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3A Public Hearing 2012 0521
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Packet 2012 0521
3A Public Hearing 2012 0521
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Planning Commission Regular Meeting Minutes April 19, 2012 <br />Page 4 of 13 <br />Commissioner Fitzsimons noted that Permitted Uses in the Planned District for this project <br />would require Administrative Review Permits for any use exceeding 10,000 square feet, while <br />transit - oriented uses less than 10,000 square feet may be referred to the Planning Commission. He <br />asked why smaller uses might go to the Planning Commission but not larger ones. <br />Mr. Millenbah said "transit uses" is the operative phrase. It's not known at this time what such <br />uses might be, so it's important for the Community Development Director be able to weigh in and <br />refer such proposals to the Planning Commission as appropriate. <br />Commissioner Fitzsimons asked what "large scale" means in the context of the fast -food <br />establishment listed among "Other Uses ". He also said that it's confusing to see Permitted Uses <br />prohibiting fast food restaurants of less than 2,000 square feet. He doesn't understand why a large <br />one might be okay but not a small one. Mr. Millenbah explained that small -scale fast -food <br />restaurants would be excluded due to the larger size of the retail spaces available in the project. <br />He added that while neither the developer nor the City is looking into a large -scale fast -food <br />operation at this time, the possibility remains open to bring in such an establishment by way of a <br />PD amendment in the future, a process that would involve public input and a recommendation <br />from the Planning Commission. <br />Commissioner Rennie said he has concerns about the project in the context of the General Plan. <br />He asked the reason for removing the S District overlay, because as he understands the General <br />Plan, the downtown needs density. The TOD Strategy specifically recommends mixed uses, with <br />retail on the ground floor and residential above, he said, adding that the possibility of a residential <br />component someday in the future isn't comforting. He pointed out that the way the proposed <br />project is configured doesn't anticipate adding a residential use. He wanted to know why the City <br />is backing away from mixed -use and density goals and looking at a single -story development. <br />Mr. Millenbah explained that the S designation, implemented as part of the TOD Strategy, calls <br />for a different level of review on each property. The subject property's designation was SP -1, <br />with mixed use retail and residential as Commissioner Fitzsimons suggested. However, Mr. <br />Millenbah pointed out, the City has been unsuccessful in finding any developers interested in <br />such projects in this market. He also said that the proposed Village Marketplace conforms with <br />the General Plan in that residential use would still be allowed. The site plan has approximately <br />36% lot coverage, leaving a large area available for future re -use. Considering the current outlook <br />for the residential real estate market, though, the City decided to pursue the retail component <br />now, while leaving future residential uses possible. <br />Commissioner Rennie, who said he considers density critical to success downtown, asked where <br />density could come from if the short-term economic stimulus is the reason for backing away from <br />the TOD Strategy's emphasis on density. While he appreciates the value of developing the site as <br />proposed in the short term, he sees no other opportunity for high- density development on a <br />substantial parcel anywhere else downtown. He's reluctant to commit to a project that will affect <br />the shape of downtown San Leandro for 30 years and then to regret a decision that doesn't insist <br />on something closer to the TOD Strategy vision. <br />Mr. Sims agreed that the proposed project isn't specifically consistent with the high- density <br />mixed -use project initially envisioned for this site. However, approximately two dozen other sites <br />in the TOD Strategy area also were identified and remain in the inventory for future development. <br />As for the subject site, he acknowledged that it's a long shot but the site plan has been designed in <br />such a way as to create a reasonable rectangular field that conceivably could accommodate <br />mixed -use high- density development in a strong residential market. He said site attributes <br />probably would dictate a podium -type development, and today's market certainly doesn't support <br />the construction costs involved in such developments. According to Mr. Sims, every indication <br />from the real estate industry, market trends, and rental comparisons up and down the BART <br />
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