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Ballots then would be sent by the City to every affected property owner, who will have between 45- <br />60 days in which to return the mail ballots. If the weighted returned ballots in support exceed those <br />returned in opposition, the City Council can then adopt an ordinance that levies the assessments on <br />the benefiting parcels. The City then informs the County to levy the assessments on the parcels, as <br />per the Management Plan, for the upcoming cycle of property tax bills. The assessments will be <br />transferred from the County to the City and to the non - profit organization (set up in Management <br />Plan) to deliver the special benefit services to the PBID. PBID's in Charter Cities such as San <br />Leandro can be formed and operate for up to 15 years. However, renewal through a weighted vote is <br />required after the first five years and ten years thereafter. <br />The adoption of a PBID is a complicated process and the consultant must have strong legal, <br />organizational, and political experience. Based on conversations with two qualified firms, the <br />project is recommended to be completed in a two phase work plan. The first phase would include <br />the consultant preparing a feasibility analysis and conducting outreach to gauge support among <br />downtown property owners and the likelihood that the PBID would pass the weighted supportive <br />vote. The second phase would include developing a work plan and budget, preparing legal <br />documents including Proposition 218 ballots, developing and implementing an outreach and <br />educational plan, conducting the campaign and formally adopting the PBID. <br />The estimated cost of these is services is $40,000 for phase one and $40,000 for phase two. The FY <br />2012 -13 draft budget includes $40,000 for PBID consultant services and will likely need to be <br />increased to allow the process to be accelerated and completed within the fiscal year. The budget <br />adjustment would be included as part of the Council adoption of the Contractual Services <br />Agreement. <br />The issuance of a Request for Proposals in the next few weeks would enable the sufficient time to <br />enable Council adoption of a Consultant Services Agreement for assistance in establishment of a <br />PBID in early July. Once a consultant is retained, the process to establish a PBID could take 12 — <br />24 months. <br />A tentative schedule follows: <br />April 20, 2012 <br />Release Request for Proposals <br />May 11, 2012 <br />Proposals dues <br />June 14, 2012 <br />Consultant Recommendation to Community Development Committee <br />July 16, 2012 <br />Consultant Services Agreement to City Council <br />December 2012 <br />Preliminary Assessment re: Viability of PBID due <br />June, 2013 <br />Public Hearing and Council action regarding establishment of PBID <br />FY 2013 -14 <br />PBID Assessment collected on property tax role <br />Staff recommends the Committee direct staff to issue a Request for Proposals to select a consultant <br />to assist in the formation of a Downtown Property -Based Business Improvement District. <br />C: \Granicus\ Packet \1152_CityCouncil 5 21 2012 \0009 4- 2622dOfd- 2d2c- 421b- abf6- 634e766f1908.docx <br />