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File Number: 12-216 <br />a weekday in May for residents and businesses to attend as soon as it can be coordinated. <br />AC Transit has asked the City to postpone making a final judgment on our locally preferred <br />alternative until June. Keith reviewed some of the key comments from the environmental <br />document. <br />Discussion ensued. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. Councilmember <br />Gregory asked if BRT should be a system upgrade. Keith stated that it should be and that <br />local service should not be diminished. Councilmember Gregory asked if there will be further <br />dialogue with AC Transit regarding BRT. Keith explained that the process is not complete and <br />there will be further discussion. Uche stated that the project is one that you have to look at for <br />the future. The advantage to doing the project now is that money is available now and may <br />not be available in the future. <br />Councilmember Starosciak complimented Keith on the comments, questions, and requests <br />that he forwarded to AC Transit, and remarked that they really reflect the concerns of the <br />residents. She stated that the City needs to look at this project and understand what is in it <br />for San Leandro. She felt that, perhaps, the Council, as a body or individually, should explore <br />feasible political solutions that are beyond the technical evaluations and solutions that staff <br />are required to pursue under the law. The Council should look at what type of project it <br />desires instead of an outright rejection of what is being offered. A modification of the proposed <br />project that offers more to San Leandro residents would not be a bad thing. San Leandro, <br />she felt, could emulate political success that Oakland has achieved with this project. She <br />stated that there is an opportunity for the Council to discuss and decide what they want from <br />the project. <br />Councilmember Gregory stated there have been a lot of mixed signals coming from AC <br />Transit and the project could have been better handled. He further stated that he and <br />Councilmember Cutter have an opportunity to sit down in the near future with Oakland <br />Councilmember Kaplan. At their meeting, they will discuss the project and go over Keith's <br />comments. He affirmed the need for the Council explore other options and take an active <br />political role. <br />5. Discussion Regarding Future Committee Meeting Days/Time <br />Councilmember Gregory stated that the second or third Wednesday of the month works best <br />for Councilmember Cutter. Lianne Marshall stated that day is fine if it works for everyone. <br />Councilmembers Gregory and Starosciak and staff agreed that meetings will be held on the <br />second Wednesday of each month at 4:00 p.m. <br />6. Public Comments <br />Lianne Marshall stated that the due date for the Economic Development Administration (EDA) <br />grant is June 10, 2012. It needs to be submitted 3-4 weeks in advance for review and <br />feedback for any necessary changes. Staff is depending on the expertise of the Engineering <br />and Transportation Department for assistance. <br />7. Committee Member Comments <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 5/15/2012 <br />