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Alameda CTC Paratransit Program Application Page 4 of 22 <br />Application Period July 1, 2012 through June 30, 2013 <br />4A. Has this plan been reviewed by a local paratransit advisory committee? <br />✓❑ Yes <br />❑ No <br />4B. If yes, list the committee name and date of the meeting. <br />Senior Commission (Paratransit Advisory Body) - March 15, 2012 <br />5. Describe any surveys or analysis conducted to develop this plan and to select the range of <br />services your program offers? (max. 300 characters) <br />The annual survey is sent to all registered riders. This year we received a 31% response rate. Through the <br />survey we gather critical information such as: frequency of use, trip purpose, service quality and future <br />needs. Survey respondents provide helpful comments and suggestions. <br />6. Describe how the planning process (e.g., consumer input, surveys and staff analysis) is <br />connected to the service plan: How do the planned services correspond to the results of <br />the planning process? (max. 500 characters) <br />4s previously stated, shuttle route changes have been implemented in response to suggestions made <br />:hrough the survey and annual workshops. Customers indicated overall satisfaction with the service and no <br />'urther changes are indicated at this time. (Overall Quality of Service: Good - 86 %, Fair - 9 %, Poor - 1 %, <br />)on't Know - 4 %) <br />7. Did you (or will you) get a Governing Body Resolution to authorize submittal of this plan? <br />✓❑ Yes <br />❑ No <br />If yes, please indicate the date that the plan was approved or is scheduled for action: <br />5/21 /12 <br />OUTREACH <br />8. How do potential users of the services learn about what services are available in your <br />community? (max. 500 characters) <br />he Flex Shuttle and Medical Service is advertised through the following: <br />City Website <br />Community Access Channel <br />Recreation Guide (Delivered three times per year to every household and business) <br />Information is available at all City locations: Community Center, Senior Center, Library, etc. <br />Outreach - Staff routinely conducts off -site outreach at neighborhood meetings, senior living facilities, etc. <br />