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File Number: 12 -184 <br />project area, which includes downtown San Leandro and the San Leandro BART station, will <br />fully support the San Leandro Transit - Oriented Development Strategy (TOD) and the San <br />Leandro BART Area Interface Plan. <br />The estimated cost of this bicycle network improvement project is $616,600. If the San <br />Leandro application is selected, the City will be required to provide at least 10 percent (10 %) <br />local matching funds, or $61,660. <br />Caltrans is expected to announce and award the BTA funds later this year. If this project is <br />selected, the work is expected to be completed by June 2014. <br />Current Agency Policy <br />2010 Bicycle and Pedestrian Master Plan in the Circulation Element of the City's General <br />Plan. <br />Previous Action(s) <br />On February 7, 2011, by Resolution 2011 -010, the City Council adopted the 2010 Bicycle and <br />Pedestrian Master Plan and approved its statutory exemption from the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). <br />Applicable General Plan Policy <br />• Goal 14 Bicycle and Pedestrian - Promote and accommodate alternative, <br />environmentally - friendly methods of transportation, such as walking and bicycling <br />• Action 14.01 -A Bikeway Plan Implementation - Maintain and implement a city -wide <br />Bikeway Plan and update that plan regularly as conditions and needs change <br />• Action 14.01 -B Capital Improvement Scheduling - Maintain a schedule of capital <br />improvement priorities in the City's Bikeway Plan and update this schedule as projects are <br />completed and additional funds become available. Capital projects should be developed <br />in accordance with the design standards and priorities identified in the Bikeway Plan <br />• Action 14.02 Funding - Aggressively pursue State and Federal funding for bicycle and <br />pedestrian improvements, while also including funding for bicycle and pedestrian <br />improvements in the City's Capital Improvement Program <br />Environmental Review <br />The project has been determined to be categorically exempt under the California <br />Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). <br />Fiscal Impact <br />$61,660 in matching funds is to be appropriated from the Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian <br />fund by this action. <br />Budget Authority <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 511512012 <br />