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Agmt 2002 Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority ACTIA (3)
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2002 Alameda County Transportation Improvement Authority ACTIA (3)
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5/18/2012 4:24:30 PM
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5/18/2012 4:24:26 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2002-096
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ACTIA 2002 -26 <br /> Reports are not complete and current, approval of invoices shall be withheld until an acceptable <br /> remedy has been implemented. In the event that SPONSOR invoices ACTIA prior to the year a <br /> project receives ACTIA funding, invoice shall be held by ACTIA until the year funding is <br /> programmed. ACTIA agrees to escalate the payment of the invoice using the CHCCI from the <br /> date of invoice approval to the date of payment, or from the invoice date to the date of payment, <br /> whichever is less. <br /> • <br /> (7) Unanticipated reimbursable costs on PROJECTS up to 15% of the ACTIA participation <br /> will be the first priority use of Excess Revenues. <br /> (8) There is no provision in the PLAN for cost overruns on PROJECTS beyond 15% and <br /> escalation. If costs for PROJECTS exceed the available Measure B funds, ACTIA and the <br /> SPONSOR will work together to identify additional outside fund sources or to revise the scope <br /> of a project to meet the available funds. Should a project become infeasible due to a funding <br /> shortfall, then these funds will be considered "Unused Funds" as defined in EXHIBIT "D ", <br /> Appendix B, "Policy Regarding the Definition and Use of Excess Revenues and Unused Funds ". <br /> (9) If additional funding is obtained beyond the non -ACTIA funds identified in the PLAN to <br /> partially offset the ACTIA funds planned for the PROJECTS, ACTIA funds will not be totally <br /> transferred out of a project until after it is ensured that that project can be delivered if there are <br /> cost increases. If ACTIA funds are available after the PROJECTS completion, they will be <br /> declared Unused Funds and reprogrammed as described in EXHIBIT "D ", Appendix B, "Policy <br /> Regarding the Definition and Use of Excess Revenues and Unused Funds ". <br /> (10) In the event that new outside fund sources, such as federal or state funds, are leveraged <br /> with Measure B funds beyond the amounts identified in the PLAN and this causes Measure B <br /> funds to be available at the completion of a project, the funds will be declared Unused Funds and <br /> reallocated in accordance with ACTIA Policy as shown in EXHIBIT "D ", Appendix B, "Policy <br /> Regarding the Definition and Use of Excess Revenues and Unused Funds ". <br /> (1 1) In the event that ACTIA funds are displaced by other funds obtained by SPONSOR, the <br /> savings shall be declared Unused Funds and be distributed in accordance with ACTIA policy as <br /> Final 5/16/02 Page 12 <br />
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