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ACTIA 2002 -26 <br /> ACTIA under or in connection with any work, authority or jurisdiction delegated to ACTIA <br /> under this AGREEMENT. <br /> (17) Nothing in the provisions of this AGREEMENT is intended to create duties or <br /> obligations to or rights in third - parties not party to this AGREEMENT or affect the legal liability <br /> of either party to the AGREEMENT by imposing any standard of care with respect to the <br /> maintenance of State highways different from the standard of care imposed by law. This <br /> AGREEMENT gives no rights or benefits to anyone other than ACTIA and SPONSOR and has <br /> no third -party beneficiaries. <br /> (18) All legal actions by either party against the other arising from this AGREEMENT, or for <br /> the failure to perform in accordance with the applicable standard of care, or for any other cause <br /> of action, will be subject to the statutes of limitations of the State of California. <br /> (19) Should it become necessary to enforce the terms of this AGREEMENT, the prevailing <br /> party shall be entitled to recover reasonable expenses and attorney's fees from the other party. <br /> (20) This AGREEMENT shall terminate upon completion and acceptance of PROJECTS by <br /> SPONSOR or ten years from the date of this AGREEMENT, whichever is earlier in time. This <br /> termination date may be modified through the SPECIFIC AGREEMENT. Should <br /> AGREEMENT terminate due to time, any eligible costs incurred or paid by ACTIA over and <br /> above its proportionate share shall be due from SPONSOR to ACTIA. Payment of these eligible <br /> costs is covered in Section 1.30. <br /> (21) This AGREEMENT, including its RECITALS, EXHIBITS, and Appendices, constitutes <br /> the entire AGREEMENT, supersedes all prior written or oral understandings, and may be <br /> changed only by a written amendment executed by both parties. <br /> Final 5/16/02 I'agc 14 <br />