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Third Quarter Financial Report as of March 31, 2012 May 4, 2012 <br />total $71,760,500. Expected revenues of $71,760,500, including interdepartmental fund transfers <br />finance the anticipated expenditures. Total third quarter revenue in 2011 -12 amounts to <br />$47,578,500, 66% of the total budget (compared to 68% in 2010 -11), although this year's budget <br />is higher by nearly $5,229,000. Expenditures at the end of the third quarter amount to <br />$50,856,100, 71% of the budget (compared to 72% in 2010 -11). <br />The budget was approved with the operating revenues and expenditures in balance, without the <br />use of reserves or one -time revenues for the first time since 2007 -08. Receipts from a number of <br />revenue sources, including property tax, sales tax, interest earnings, and planning and building <br />permit fees, historically correlate with changes in regional and state economic conditions. <br />Revenue data from the fiscal year's third quarter offers a better indicator for year -end actual <br />revenue than did the report at mid -year. Total revenue for the first half of 2011 -12 was 66% of <br />the budget, slightly lower than the percentage at the same time last year. <br />General Fund Revenue <br />• Property Tax (52% of budget compared to 61% in 2010 -11) —The current year's budget for <br />property tax revenue is $100,000 greater than that budgeted in 2010 -11. The first <br />payment of property tax from the secured roll by Alameda County in the amount of <br />$7,808,500 was recorded on December 14, 2011. The balance of the revenue received <br />amounting to $191,000 represents supplemental payments related to property <br />reassessments. Nearly $1,400,000 in additional supplemental adjustments was received <br />in April and is not reflected in the Financial Report (a similar amount was received in <br />March 2011 resulting in the higher property tax revenue reported in the third quarter of <br />2010 -11). <br />• Sales Tax (62% of budget compared to 71% in 2010 -11) —The current year's budget for <br />sales tax revenue is $5,260,000 more than budgeted in 2010 -11. Anticipated revenue <br />from Measure Z represents $3,400,000 of the increase (primary Sales and Use Tax <br />revenue was increased by $238,300 and Sales and Use Tax backfill was increased by <br />$1,231,700). The state has delayed payments for February and March (as was done in <br />2010 -11), with the scheduled January payment in the amount of $952,400 received in <br />March 2012. The second quarter adjustment for the October - December advance totaled <br />$494,400. <br />• Utility Users Tax (66% of budget compared to 66% in 2010 -11)— Revenue represents user <br />tax payments for eight months through February 2012 since March receipts are due by <br />April 30. <br />• Property Transfer Tax (83% of budget compared to 57% in 2010 -11) —Third quarter <br />revenue in 2011 -12 includes $630,400 resulting from the sale of the Lakeside Village <br />apartment complex to a new investment firm in November 2011. This revenue is an <br />extraordinary one -time payment. Other Property Transfer tax revenue in 2011 -12 <br />generally equals the amount of revenue received in 2010 -11 through March 31, 2011. <br />2 <br />