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File Number: 12 -285 <br />City's website and the San Leandro Times to alert any other interested party that is not on <br />the mail out list. Mr. O'Leary stated that it is his intention to get the process started prior to <br />his departure from the City on May 25, 2012. The deadline for submitting applications will <br />be in June. Mr. O'Leary asked how the Finance Committee would like to conduct the <br />interview process. Mayor Cassidy stated that he would like a summary of the potential <br />candidates by July and that the Finance Committee will make the decision on the final <br />candidate list to present to the entire City Council by July 16, 2012. <br />2. Continued Discussion Regarding Budget Work Session Follow -Up and Development <br />of 2012 -13 City Budget to be Distributed May 11, 2012 <br />Mr. O'Leary reported to the Finance Committee that staff will present the City Manager's <br />Proposed Budget at the May 21 st City Council meeting and will hold the Public Hearing on <br />June 4, 2012. Mayor Cassidy inquired if the goal is to adopt the budget at the June 4th <br />meeting and Mr. O'Leary stated yes. Mayor Cassidy stated that he provided Assistant City <br />Manager Marshall with a copy of the City of San Jose's budget summary and instructed <br />Finance staff to create a similar summary document for the City of San Leandro for the <br />community to assist in understanding municipal finance. The summary should speak of <br />the current fiscal year and describe the future direction. Mayor Cassidy stated that he <br />would like this document after the adoption of the budget and is hoping staff can have a <br />draft available by the end of June. <br />Councilmember Prola agreed with providing the community with a summary as there is a <br />misconception that all funds can be used and intermingled. <br />Councilmember Cutter suggested that the Finance Committee provide a format on what <br />information should be included. Mayor Cassidy stated that what will be presented to City <br />Council would be sufficient. <br />Mr. O'Leary asked the Finance Committee for direction that would assist staff prior to the <br />presentation of the 2012 -13 Proposed Budget at the May 21, 2012 City Council meeting. <br />Mr. O'Leary said that City Manager Zapata stated he would like to move $50,000 from the <br />City Manager's contingency account to the "One Time Needs" funds. The Finance <br />Committee discussed potential uses and /or contributions for these funds, including: social <br />services, the need for a Gang Counselor at the middle and high school level. Mayor <br />Cassidy inquired about a Cherry Festival in 2013 and if the possibility is not feasible, <br />perhaps the discussion of having the Cherry Festival should stop. Councilmember Prola <br />suggested speaking with the Downtown Association on taking on the Cherry Festival and <br />perhaps the City can donate some funds. Councilmember Prola also suggested using the <br />$50,000 that the City Manager is providing and splitting it: $30,000 towards the Gang <br />Counselor at the High School and $20,000 to Building Futures. Councilmember Cutter <br />stated that she would like specific details on why Building Futures needs the City's <br />assistance and although agrees there is a need for a Gang Counselor, she does not <br />believe that the City of San Leandro should give money to the School District without <br />getting more information from the Superintendent. The Finance Committee agreed there <br />needs to be further discussion on how the funds should be appropriated. <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 512912012 <br />