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File Number: 12 -294 <br />WHEREAS, completion of the Public Improvements will be of benefit to all taxing <br />entities that share in the property tax revenue generated by property located within the <br />redevelopment project areas because such improvements will remove impediments to <br />development, eliminate adverse conditions in the project areas, improve vehicular circulation, <br />provide safer routes for pedestrians, and catalyze private development, thus resulting in an <br />increase in assessed valuation and property tax revenue; <br />WHEREAS, the City and the Successor Agency desire to enter into an Amended and <br />Restated Cooperative Agreement (the "Agreement ") to set forth the construction activities <br />and services that the City will undertake or make available in furtherance of the completion of <br />the Public Improvements, and to provide that the Successor Agency will pay for or reimburse <br />the City for actions undertaken and costs and expenses incurred in connection with such <br />work; <br />WHEREAS, the execution of an amended and restated version of the Original <br />Cooperative Agreement was approved by the governing board of the Successor Agency and <br />by the City Council by resolutions adopted on May 7, 2012; <br />WHEREAS, the Oversight Board approved execution of an amended and restated <br />version of the Original Cooperative Agreement by resolution adopted May 10, 2012 and in <br />connection with such approval directed staff to revise such agreement to reinstate certain <br />Public Improvements that had been included in the Original Cooperative Agreement; <br />WHEREAS, the governing board of the Successor Agency approved the execution of <br />the revised Agreement by resolution adopted June 4, 2012, subject to approval by the <br />Oversight Board; <br />WHEREAS, the Oversight Board will consider the revised Agreement at its meeting <br />on June 6, 2012; and <br />WHEREAS, the City and the Successor Agency intend the Agreement to evidence <br />their desire to re -enter into the Original Cooperative Agreement, as approved by the Oversight <br />Board. <br />NOW THEREFORE, BE IT HEREBY RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of <br />San Leandro acting in its capacity as Successor Agency to the Redevelopment Agency of the <br />City of San Leandro that it hereby: <br />1. Subject to approval of the Oversight Board, authorizes the Executive Director to <br />execute and deliver the Agreement substantially in the form presented to the City Council. <br />2. Authorizes the Executive Director or designee to execute such other documents <br />and to take such other actions as necessary to carry out the intent of this Resolution, including <br />without limitation, listing the Agreement on an updated ROPS for the Successor Agency. <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 512912012 <br />