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City Council Meeting Agenda June 4, 2012 <br />8. CONSENT CALENDAR <br />Consent Calendar items are considered for approval by the City Council with one single <br />action. As described above in Item 7, Amendment of Consent Calendar, the City Council <br />may remove items from the Consent Calendar for purposes of presentation or discussion. <br />Members of the public who have requested to address the Council regarding items <br />remaining on the Consent Calendar may do so for up to 3 minutes per item with a maximum <br />of 5 minutes for all items. Items listed on the Consent Calendar are deemed to have been <br />read by title. <br />8.A. 12 -270 APPROVE: Minutes of the Meeting of May 21, 2012 <br />8.113. 12 -285 ACCEPT: Finance Committee Meeting Highlights of May 4, 2012 <br />8.C. 12 -290 ACCEPT: Facilities and Transportation Committee Meeting Highlights of <br />May 9, 2012 <br />COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Schedule approval of the new lease <br />with Family Services Counseling and Community Resource Center <br />(approved at the May 21, 2012 City Council meeting) <br />8.D. 12 -263 ACCEPT: Shoreline - Marina Committee Meeting Highlights of May 1, <br />2012 (Continued from May 21, 2012) <br />COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION: Approval of a 21- person subset of the <br />Shoreline Development Citizens Advisory Committee to continue to serve <br />as an advisory group to the City and Cal -Coast to assist in refining the <br />plans and studies for the shoreline development project including the harbor <br />basin redevelopment (listed as Consent Calendar Item 8.E.) <br />8.E. 12 -259 MOTION: Motion Approving a 21- Person Subset of the Shoreline <br />Development Citizens Advisory Committee (Shoreline CAC) to Continue to <br />Serve as an Advisory Group to the City and Cal -Coast to Assist in Refining <br />the Plans and Studies for the Shoreline Development Project Including the <br />Harbor Basin Redevelopment <br />8.F. 12 -256 ADOPT: Ordinance No. 2012 -010, an Ordinance Approving a Zoning Map <br />and Text Amendment for the Establishment of a Planned District and the <br />Approval of a Planned Development Permit for a 27,644 Square Foot Retail <br />Project Located at 1550 East 14th Street (approves the rezoning and <br />planned development of the Village Marketplace) <br />8.G. 12 -249 Staff Report for Resolution Approving an Agreement Providing for the <br />Implementation of the Alameda County Clean Water Program <br />12 -248 ADOPT: Resolution Approving an Agreement Providing for the <br />Implementation of the Alameda County Clean Water Program (approves a <br />new agreement with City contribution to the Program of $103,258 from <br />Stormwater Fund for FY 2012 -13) <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 513012012 <br />