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File Number: 12 -310 <br />"Update on Pacific Sports Complex Maintenance and Operations Concept" be the first item on the <br />agenda, so that an interested community member, who had not arrived, could participate in the <br />Bancroft Field discussion. <br />2. Update on Pacific Sports Complex Maintenance and Operations Concept <br />Mike Bakaldin, Public Works Director, provided a presentation regarding the maintenance and <br />operations of the new Pacific Sports complex. <br />The presentation included a chart of six proposed scenarios, along with a spreadsheet regarding <br />costs and assumptions, marketing and start -up costs, and capital replacement fund for each, <br />noting that these scenarios assume the City will maintain the majority of the new facility, and the <br />District will assume maintenance of the synthetic field and track at Burrell Field. Scenario options <br />included: <br />Closed to the Public <br />• Assumes facilities are locked except for paid /reserved activities with usage as <br />noted: <br />a. Reservations 3 nights; 1 weekend day <br />b. Reservations 5 nights; 2 weekend days <br />Hybrid <br />• Assumes facilities are similar to current configuration (Burrell Closed; Pac Open) <br />with usage as noted: <br />a. Reservations 3 nights; 1 weekend day <br />b. Reservations 5 nights; 2 weekend days <br />Open to the Public <br />Assumes facilities are unlocked between dawn and dusk or 9 p.m. with usage as <br />noted: <br />a. Reservations 3 nights; 1 weekend day <br />b. Reservations 5 nights; 2 weekend days <br />A discussion ensued regarding projected solar savings, fees, accounting for revenue generated, <br />insurance, and field usage and sustainability after the Bond. It was also noted that Castro Valley <br />has gone from an "Open to the Public" model to a "Closed to the Public" model. <br />At the conclusion of the discussion, the committee agreed to move forward with the Hybrid <br />(Reservations 5 Nights; 2 Weekend) scenario at this time and begin developing a schedule of <br />charges and consider a marketing person. <br />Before proceeding with the next item, Board Member Katz - Lacabe took a moment to acknowledge <br />San Leandro Police Captain Tracey and Police Chief Spagnoli. <br />1. Discussion Regarding Bancroft Middle School Facility <br />Assistant Superintendent Song Chin - Bendib provided an update on the Bancroft Middle School <br />Facility focusing particularly on the challenges the District faces at the Bancroft field due to <br />extensive use. <br />Referring to the many emails received, one of the major complaints is that field users are <br />urinating next to the fence and /or neighbors' property causing health concerns. It was noted that <br />the District does rent the facilities for a fee, and the Community Service person that is hired is <br />always diligent in cleaning up after their usage; however, the issue is the public and the vendors <br />who sell food items to the users. In an effort to address this challenge, the District suggested the <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 611212012 <br />