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File Number: 12 -310 <br />following possible solutions: <br />Require anyone who rents District facilities to provide porta - potties <br />Consider a "Park Ranger" program for patrolling /monitoring the area (perhaps contracting <br />with the City's Park Ranger Program) <br />Add signage directing people to use the bathrooms at Memorial Park, across the street <br />from Bancroft Middle School <br />City staff shared issues they encountered regarding restrooms at City parks, noting that a "Park <br />Ranger" Program has been very successful in reducing the problems of vandalism, litter, <br />behavior, and alcohol to name a few. <br />A neighbor of Bancroft, and District teacher, Maureen Forney, who uses the track frequently, <br />recalled that as part of the conceptual idea for an enhanced field there would be mutual <br />arrangements made for the maintenance of the bathrooms and facility, adding that if it wasn't for <br />the dedication of soccer league coaches, who clean up the litter on the field, things could be <br />much worse. She felt that while we have created a beautiful park that provides recreational <br />amenities to the public, there is a lack of provisions for ongoing upkeep and cleanliness. <br />Following the discussion, Councilmember Gregory suggested agendizing a discussion on an <br />extension of the joint use between the City and District with regards to the Friends of the Creek <br />(Cary Drive) at a future meeting. Researching cost estimates to implement a Park Ranger <br />Program and proceeding with signage directing individuals to the park for restrooms were also <br />suggested. <br />With respect to the Police personnel in attendance, the committee moved to Item #4. <br />4. Discussion Regarding Gang Prevention Intervention Community Needs <br />Board President Mack -Rose commented on the confusion at a recent City Council meeting and <br />apologized for the District's lack of clarity with regards to the process for allocating the City's <br />one -time funds for this use. <br />Since that meeting, President Mack -Rose explained that the District has received further <br />clarification of the process and data, and that the District is still hopeful that the City Council will <br />support the School Community Gang Prevention Program, which would enable the District to hire <br />another gang prevention specialist at Bancroft Middle School. <br />As an update, President Mack -Rose stated that funding from the County is still looking good, <br />however, she noted that the San Leandro Education Foundation had originally committed to <br />raising funds to maintain the program, not to expand the program, and as a result they have <br />other priority needs for those funds and are not interested in expanding the program at this time. <br />President Mack -Rose plans to draft a follow -up proposal for the Council members and will copy <br />the City Manager and Police Chief, adding that year -to -date data indicates that suspension fights <br />at Muir totaled 69 and at Bancroft was 112. <br />City Manager Chris Zapata provided a brief synopsis on how the one -time funds were discovered <br />and how a portion of these funds were allocated. Regarding the remaining one -time amount, the <br />City Council Finance Committee heard a proposal that would include an advance of $50,000 <br />from the City Manager's contingency fund, adding that the City is prepared to go to the Council <br />on Monday night proposing that $50,000 be distributed among three programs: $20,000 to <br />Building Futures Program, up to $5,000 to the Martin Luther King Program and $25,000 to the <br />School District's Community Gang Prevention Program. This would be considered by the City <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 611212012 <br />