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File Number: 12 -310 <br />Council at that meeting, and may change. <br />The District expressed appreciation to the City for their support. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Community -Based Health Center- Next Steps <br />Superintendent Cindy Cathey explained that the District is the recipient of a grant from the San <br />Francisco Foundation to work with community partners to develop a plan to implement a <br />Community -based Health Center on or near the high school campus. The Community -based <br />Health Center is built upon a national research -based model designed to provide essential <br />services to students and families who experience issues that, when ignored or go untreated, <br />impact a student's ability to focus on learning. These services include: medical, mental, social, <br />emotional supports and academic supports for students and their families. <br />One of the biggest challenges is finding a facility large enough to house the health center. <br />Currently the District has inadequate facility space to house such a center and is working with the <br />City and County partners to explore options. <br />Recently, it came to the District's attention that the Girls Inc. facility across the street from the <br />San Leandro High School main campus is for sale and the District would like to explore the <br />feasibility of this building for use as the health center. In order for the District to show an interest, <br />there are many preliminary steps that must be taken, noting that recently the Board approved a <br />contract with an outside consultant to provide a feasibility study on the property, and the next <br />phase will be to perform a site assessment. <br />City Manager Zapata shared a specific idea under consideration to facilitate the District's <br />acquisition of the property, whereby the City would potentially provide a loan to the District, which <br />would be repaid out of the District's Developer Fees fund. <br />District staff appreciated the City's willingness to pursue this concept. Committee members <br />unanimously supported the concept and expressed support to move forward. Next steps will be a <br />joint presentation by the District Superintendent and City Manager to the entire City Council. <br />5. Discussion Regarding District Budget Community Outreach Program <br />Superintendent Cathey commented that while the members of the committee had received <br />letters and were serving on a committee, she recapped the District's collective efforts to improve <br />education for San Leandro students and the importance of building understanding on how the <br />budget works, and to ask the community what their priorities for schools are and their willingness <br />to consider community funding for our schools. <br />It was also noted that the City has added a link to the District's Community Survey on their <br />website. <br />6. Spring Forum for Families and Children -Wrap Up <br />Deputy City Manager Jacqui Diaz, on behalf of Mayor Cassidy, thanked the forum's planning <br />committee for their contributions, commitment and willingness to contribute their time to make <br />the Spring Forum on Children and Teens a success, adding that the feedback was <br />overwhelmingly positive. She thanked Board Member Katz - Lacabe for his part in videotaping the <br />keynote speaker, former California Superintendent of Public Education, Delaine Eastin. <br />The committee thanked Ms. Diaz for all of her hard work. <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 611212012 <br />