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File Number: 12 -318 <br />The meeting was called to order at 8:16 a.m. <br />Agenda item No. 2 was moved to No. 1 and discussed first. <br />Discussion Regarding Purchase of Motorola Radios and Accessories for City <br />Police and Public Works Departments to comply with the East Bay Regional <br />Communications System Authority (EBRCSA) <br />Police Chief Spagnoli discussed the necessity for the City of San Leandro to participate <br />in the East Bay Regional Communications System Authority (EBRCSA) and requested <br />approval to purchase 111 Police portable radios, 5 Police in -car radios, 15 Public <br />Works radios, the required accessories, software, and equipment needed to maintain <br />compliance with the EBRCSA Operating Agreement. <br />Finance Committee Recommendation <br />The Committee recommends Council approval of the purchase of the radios and other <br />required items for participation in the East Bay Regional Communications System <br />Authority at the City Council Meeting on June 18, 2012. <br />2. Continued Discussion Regarding Recruitment of Members of the Citizen <br />Oversight Committee Related to Measure Z <br />Finance Director Baum reported to the Finance Committee that a Press Release and <br />an Ad in the San Leandro Times have been released. Letters to the San Leandro <br />Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Business Association, and the various Home <br />Owner Associations have been mailed to seek candidates to become members of the <br />Citizen's Oversight Committee created by Measure Z. The Finance Committee <br />members discussed the possibility of adjusting the criteria for solicitation of the <br />Oversight Committee to include not only Board members of the Home Owners <br />Associations but also its members. The Finance Committee decided to preserve the <br />criteria at this time but to wait to see how many qualified candidates apply with the <br />current solicitation. <br />3. Discussion Regarding Investment Report for Quarter Ending March 31, 2012 <br />Budget and Compliance Manager Perini reported to the Finance Committee on the <br />Investments as of March 31, 2012. The investment portfolio had a market value of $76 <br />million, of which $48.2 million was placed with the Local Agency Investment Fund <br />(LAIF) and $28.3 million was with Chandler Asset Management portfolio. Due to the <br />dissolution of the San Leandro Redevelopment Agency in January, funds were <br />transferred to the City's Economic Development Agency LAIF account in the amount of <br />$9,346,000 as a temporary holding account until an account for the Successor Agency <br />to the Redevelopment Agency is established. Due to debt service payments, the <br />account currently has $8 million. <br />4. Investment Policy Annual Review <br />Finance Director Baum presented the City of San Leandro's Investment Policy for <br />2012 -13 as required by California Government Code Section 53600 et seq. and <br />Section VIII of the San Leandro Investment Policy. Mayor Cassidy inquired about the <br />ability to invest in corporate notes. Mr. Baum stated that although the City of San <br />Leandro does not currently invest in corporate notes, the policy to invest in corporate <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 611212012 <br />