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10A Action 2012 0618
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Packet 2012 0618
10A Action 2012 0618
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6/28/2012 8:34:37 AM
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6/12/2012 4:56:08 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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File Number: 12 -284 <br />under the original Crossings Master Plan. <br />3) BRIDGE will construct a total of 200 affordable rental units at the new location. <br />Because BRIDGE will be using the same 4- stories on podium parking design /plans for <br />which Westlake received planning approval from the Planning Commission and City <br />Council in 2009, BRIDGE will also retain the name, Cornerstone, for the proposed <br />affordable apartment complex. <br />a. Of the 200 units, 98 units (or 49% of the total units) will be for very low income <br />households (less than or equal to 50% area median income), 100 units will be <br />for households with incomes at or below 90% AMI and 2 units will be for resident <br />managers' units. Note that the State /federal tax credits program will require the <br />project to have 100 units affordable to very low income and 100 units affordable <br />to low income (at or below 60% AMI) households. <br />b. The unit breakdown by bedroom size will be: 82 one - bedroom, 58 two - bedroom <br />and 58 three bedroom units plus 2 three - bedroom manager's units. <br />Amenities include 290 parking spaces, two unprogrammed ground floor retail <br />spaces (< 5,000 sq ft), a leasing office, on -site laundry, bicycle storage, <br />landscaped courtyard, and community room. Based on community feedback, <br />BRIDGE and City staff re- started the childcare working group (including <br />representatives from Davis Street Family Resource Center, the City's <br />Community Development Department, Alameda County General Services <br />Agency, Congregations Organized for Renewal, and Child Care Coordinating <br />Council of Alameda County), which was created for the Alameda project, to <br />explore the feasibility of placing a childcare facility in the Cornerstone and <br />develop a fundraising plan. <br />4) BRIDGE will own the land for the Cornerstone, instead of ground leasing it from <br />Westlake. <br />5) The predevelopment loan funding cap for BRIDGE shall be increased to about $3.6 <br />million for the revised affordable workforce housing component. The original OPLA <br />predevelopment cap was $2.2 million of which BRIDGE has expended $2.1 million to <br />date. The estimated total predevelopment budget is approximately $4 million, of which <br />City and BRIDGE will separately finance and be liable for about $1.4 million each, and <br />State HCD will cover the remainder. The primary predevelopment costs will be for <br />architectural plans, engineering reports /plans, land acquisition and permit fees. <br />The total loan amount under the OPLA will remain at $9.1 million. The outstanding loan <br />obligation to BRIDGE is listed on the Recognized Obligation Payment Schedule (ROPS) that <br />the City prepared in its capacity as Successor Agency to the RDA. The ROPS has been <br />reviewed by the Successor Agency Oversight Board and the State Department of Finance. <br />Excluding the $3.6 million in predevelopment costs (of which $2.1 million has been disbursed <br />to date), BRIDGE will need about $5.5 million for the construction phase. This loan will be <br />funded from the existing Housing Set -Aside loan balance of about $3.9 million, with the <br />remainder to be provided from future allocations from the Redevelopment Property Tax Trust <br />Fund established by the County- Auditor - Controller for eligible ROPS payments. <br />State HCD TOD Grant Proaram Aareements <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 611212012 <br />
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