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DISCUSSION <br />After Memorial Day, a resident contacted her council representative with a concern that her <br />street was not well swept due to that fact that it was a holiday and there were many cars on the <br />street. In response, Public Works returned to her street and made an additional pass with a street <br />sweeper. Staff noted that the segment of the street that was dirtiest had not been swept on <br />Memorial Day because that portion of the street was scheduled for sweeping on a different day. <br />The sweeping schedule information was transmitted to the resident for future reference. <br />Since 2003, the City has received numerous requests to post additional street segments no <br />parking on street sweeping days. Staff has recommended against posting additional residential <br />streets for the following two reasons: <br />1. The Police Department does not have the capacity for additional parking enforcement <br />with existing staffing and resources. <br />2. Public Works would have to reduce its existing street sweeping schedule to post more <br />residential streets no parking on street sweeping days. <br />Staff has discussed various options to adding parking restrictions but they all require additional <br />funding which currently is not available through the Stormwater, Gas Tax, or General Funds. <br />