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10A Action 2012 0702
City Clerk
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Agenda Packets
Packet 2012 0702
10A Action 2012 0702
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7/6/2012 2:39:20 PM
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6/26/2012 6:01:14 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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Qualification Statement <br />New City America has been the only company in the state to be creative in the formation of <br />special assessment districts, based upon the provision of Prop 218 of the State Constitution. <br />San Leandro has a tremendous advantage in being a charter city. Your RFP mentions that many <br />residential units could be included in the potential district, and I am sure many tax exempt <br />properties would be included in the new PBID or CBD. We would strongly advise that you NOT <br />use the Streets and Highway Code PBID law due to some fundamental flaws in the law. Those <br />flaws include the following: <br />1. Your district will include many different land uses, however the PBID law is called the <br />"Business Improvement District" Act of 1994. This makes many tax exempt, social service, <br />residential and other land uses wonder why they would be paying into a special benefit district <br />that is established to promote "business improvement ". Business improvement is a key <br />component of the district, but not the only component of the district. <br />2. The PBID law has a maximum first year term of 5 years. That amount of time is hardly <br />long enough to make an impact in the district. CBDs can be formed for as long a property <br />owners think is necessary to start the "re- invention" process of the district. <br />3. The petition triggers the balloting for the district formation. The petition does NOT <br />create the district, the balloting does. However, the petition threshold is higher than the vote <br />needed to establish the district. This is backwards and the extremely high petition threshold <br />prevents many districts from ever being formed. The CBD ordinance could make the petition <br />threshold more reasonable and allow property owners to get to the balloting phase quicker. <br />4. The PBID law, NOT the state constitution, allows for exemption of tax exempt parcels, even <br />though they will be receiving benefit. The CBD ordinance would have no such clause and would <br />be consistent with Prop 218 in that it would allow for ALL parcels to be assessed as long as they <br />were receiving benefit. The relevant clause in the PBID law is as follows: <br />36622. The management district plan shall contain all of the following: <br />(k) A list of the properties or businesses to be assessed, including the assessor's parcel <br />numbers for properties to be assessed, and a statement of the method or methods by <br />which the expenses of a district will be imposed upon benefited real property or businesses, in <br />proportion to the benefit received by the property or business, to defray the cost thereof; <br />including operation and maintenance. The plan may provide that all or any class or category <br />of real property which is e wempt by law from real property taxation may nevertheless be <br />included within the boundaries of the district but shall not be subject to assessment on real <br />property. <br />5. Furthermore, residentially zoned parcels, even if found within, a commercial area, are <br />specifically exempt from paying into the assessment district. The CBD ordinance would have no <br />4 <br />
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