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EXHIBIT A <br /> SCOPE OF WORK <br /> Term of Contract: July 1, 2012 — June 30, 2013 <br /> Agency: Davis Street Family Resource Center <br /> • <br /> Address: 3081 Teagarden Street <br /> San Leandro, CA 94577 <br /> Contact Person: Rose Padilla Johnson, Executive Director <br /> Phone: 510- 347 -4620 <br /> Project Name: Family Support Services — Basic Needs Program <br /> PROJECT GOALS AND OBJECTIVES <br /> The Family Support Services Program will provide "Basic Needs" services to San Leandro community <br /> members. This includes emergency food and clothing and other services. The provision of emergency <br /> services to low- income people in San Leandro enables these individuals and families to move out of poverty <br /> and into self - sufficiency. <br /> MAJOR ACTIVITIES <br /> Families will receive three day's worth of groceries up to twice a month (boxes of groceries include: canned <br /> goods, produce, bread, rice and pasta, dairy, and protein items), and emergency clothing and household items. <br /> Families also have access to other services provided within DSFRC (employment, housing, childcare, <br /> counseling, and medical /dental services, etc.), and they are also provided with linkages to other services <br /> among DSFRC local, county, and state resources and partnerships <br /> PERFORMANCE MEASURES <br /> SUBRECIPIENT SHALL, FOR THE TERM OF THE CONTRACT: use evaluation tools that consist of a client <br /> intake interview, follow -up with subsequent visit(s) and re- certification, and documentation of frequency of <br /> visits. To track this grant's outcomes, subrecipient will monitor client's housing and employment status. The <br /> performance measures are: <br /> 1. 853 families will be served each month, totaling 10,236 families served within twelve (12) months. <br /> 2. Twenty five percent (25 %), or 2,559 families, who accessed the aforementioned services will <br /> demonstrate increased financial or housing stability as indicated on their intake assessment and follow <br /> up at the 4`" and 12 month re- assessment periods. <br /> 3. Twenty five percent (25 %), or 2,559 families, will report a decrease in the risk of compromising their <br /> self - sufficiency by maintaining employment during the first month following access to our services. <br /> 4. Twenty five percent (25 %), or 2,559 under - employed families who receive comprehensive support <br /> services, will reduce the risk of losing their jobs by maintaining employment during the first month <br /> following their crisis or use of services. <br /> -13- <br /> CDBG Agreement with DSFRC — <br /> Basic Needs Program FY12 -13 <br />