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8.2 Disputes. In the event of any dispute arising under this contract, the injured party shall notify the <br /> insuring party in writing of its contentions by submitting a claim therefore. The injured party shall continue <br /> performing its obligations hereunder so long as the injuring party commences to cure such default within ten (10) <br /> days of service of such notice and completes the cure of such default within thirty (30) days after service of the <br /> notice, or such longer period as may be permitted by the injured party; provided that if the default is an immediate <br /> danger to the health, safety and general welfare, such immediate action may be necessary. Notwithstanding the <br /> foregoing, the City may suspend any further payment of CDBG funds until Subrecipient is in compliance with this <br /> contract. Compliance with the provisions of this Section shall be a condition precedent to termination of this contract <br /> for cause and to any legal action, and such compliance shall not be a waiver of any party's right to take legal action <br /> in the event that the depute is not cured. <br /> 8.3 Remedies Upon Default by Subrecipient. In addition to any other rights or remedies available at <br /> law or in equity, if Subrecipient fails to fulfill its obligations under this contract, City may, after compliance with the <br /> provisions of Section 8.2: <br /> a. Temporarily withhold payment of CDBG funds pending correction of the default by <br /> Subrecipient; <br /> b. Refuse to advance all or any part of the CDBG funds for the project and reallocate said funds <br /> to another activity; <br /> c. Wholly or partially suspend or terminate the award and this contract; and; <br /> d. Withhold further awards for the project and /or the facility; and <br /> e. Require Subrecipient to repay any CDBG funds that the City determines were not expended <br /> in compliance with the requirements of this contract, the Act or the regulations. <br /> 8.4 Termination for Convenience. This contract may be terminated for convenience as provided in 24 <br /> CFR Section 85.44. <br /> 8.5 Waiver. No delay or omission in the exercise of any right or remedy by a non - defaulting party on <br /> any default shall impair such right or remedy or be construed as a waiver. A party's consent to or approval of any <br /> act by the other party requiring the party's consent or approval shall not be deemed to waive or render unnecessary <br /> the other party's consent to or approval of any subsequent act. Any waiver by either party of any default must be in <br /> writing and shall not be a waiver of any other default concerning the same or any other provision of this contract. <br /> 8.6 Rights and Remedies are Cumulative. Except with respect to rights and remedies expressly <br /> declared to be exclusive in this contract, the rights and remedies of the parties are cumulative and the exercise by <br /> either party of one or more of such rights or remedies shall not preclude the exercise by it, at the same or different <br /> times, of any other rights or remedies for the same default or any other default by the other party. <br /> 8.7 Legal Action. In addition to any other rights or remedies, either party may take legal action, in law <br /> or in equity, to cure, correct or remedy any default, to recover damages for any default, to complete specific <br /> performance of this contract, to obtain declaratory or injunctive relief, or to obtain any other remedy consistent with <br /> the purposes of the contract. <br /> 8.8 Attorneys' Fees. If either party to this contract is required to initiate or defend or made a party to <br /> any action or proceeding in any way connected with this contract, the prevailing party in such action or proceeding, <br /> in addition to any other relief which may be granted, whether legal or equitable, shall be entitled to reasonable <br /> attorneys fees. Attorney fees shall include attorney's fees on any appeal, and in addition a party entitled to <br /> attorney's fees shall be entitled to all other reasonable costs for investigating such action, taking depositions and <br /> discovery and all other necessary costs the court allows which are incurred in such litigation. All such fees shall be <br /> deemed to have accrued on commencement of such action and shall be enforceable whether or not such action is <br /> prosecuted to judgment. <br /> - 10 - <br /> CDBG Agreement with SOS /Meals on Wheels FY12 -13 <br />