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Draft 07/02/2012 <br />..Title <br />Resolution designating the City of San Leandro's Locally Preferred Alternative for the <br />AC Transit East Bay Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Project <br />..Body <br />WHEREAS, in 1998 the AC Transit District ( "AC Transit ") initiated work on the "Major <br />Investment Study" to closely examine alternatives for transit service on several transit <br />corridors in its service area; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2000 a Major Investment Study Policy Steering Committee <br />comprised of members from all affected jurisdictions, including the City of San Leandro <br />( "City ") was convened to provide guidance to the study from a corridor -wide <br />perspective; and <br />WHEREAS, in 2001 the Policy Steering Committee recommended a preferred <br />route or "Locally Preferred Alternative" (LPA) for a Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) project that <br />specified the corridor alignment of Telegraph Avenue to International Boulevard /East <br />14 Street in the cities of Berkeley, Oakland, and San Leandro; and <br />WHEREAS, BRT is a mode of transit service that has some or all the following <br />characteristics: Dedicated Travel Lanes; Level Boarding Platforms; Off -Board Fare <br />Collection; and Real -Time Arrival Signs; and <br />WHEREAS, in May 2007, AC Transit in collaboration with the Federal Transit <br />Administration released a Draft Environmental Impact Statement /Report ( "Draft EIS /R ") <br />for the continued development of the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project (Project); and <br />WHEREAS, in July 2007 the City of San Leandro formally submitted comments <br />in response to the Draft EIS /R, with comments focused on route alignment, traffic, <br />parking, economic, construction, roadway maintenance and operation impacts, among <br />other concerns; and <br />WHEREAS, in May 2010 the City of San Leandro forwarded its original Locally <br />Preferred Alternative (LPA) in order for AC Transit to complete a Final Environmental <br />Impact Statement /Report (FEIS /R) and AC Transit developed the Downtown Oakland <br />San Leandro (DOSL) LPA in June 2010; and <br />WHEREAS, AC Transit distributed the FEIS /R for the Project in February 2012 <br />and the City held a public meeting and submitted comments on the FEIS /R in March <br />2012 and subsequently approved the FEIS /R in April 2012; and <br />WHEREAS, according to Federal Transit Administration rules, AC Transit is <br />required to consider a "Locally Preferred Alternative" adopted by San Leandro, to be <br />analyzed in the Final EIS /R for the Project; and <br />