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Draft 07/02/2012 <br />document, resulting in more than 1,000 individual comments. At this time the City was <br />asked to provide a Locally Preferred Alternative (LPA) for the project. In the fall of 2009 <br />a series of public meetings were held in San Leandro to determine public support and to <br />receive comments on BRT. In May of 2010, San Leandro by Council Resolution NO. <br />2010 -054 forwarded its LPA to AC Transit. San Leandro identified an alternative that <br />has BRT terminating at the Downtown San Leandro BART Station with dedicated bus <br />lanes from the north City Limit to Georgia Way with local service provided by traditional <br />or express bus service from the Downtown San Leandro BART Station to the Bay Fair <br />BART Station. The City also requested that AC Transit evaluate extending BRT to the <br />Bay Fair BART station in Final EIS /EIR so that the impact would be known for the entire <br />project. <br />The AC Transit Board of Directors gave consideration to the recommendations of each <br />city and selected an LPA on June 23, 2010. It was at this time that AC Transit Board <br />indicated an additional alternative for study. Based upon funding, community <br />acceptance and BRT operational issues a project eliminating improvements in north <br />Oakland and Berkeley titled the Downtown Oakland -San Leandro Alternative (DOSL) <br />was recommended for study. The DOSL follows the same alignment as the proposed <br />project from downtown Oakland to San Leandro BART and has the same features as <br />the proposed project in this portion of the alignment. This lower cost alternative would <br />have fewer environmental effects and lower capital cost, meeting the project's purpose <br />and needs and thus AC Transit adopted the DOSL Alternative as their Locally Preferred <br />Alternative. The FEIS /FEIR included the DOSL Alternative as it would result in less <br />transportation related impacts than the original proposal. <br />From late 2010 through early 2011, AC Transit refined the project based upon input <br />from the participating cities. One of the major changes AC Transit made was a <br />commitment to procure dual -side door buses that can load and unload passengers on <br />both sides of the vehicle. This allows for the use of a single center platform rather than <br />two separate platforms at each median located BRT stop resulting in less displacement <br />of curbside parking which was evident at one such station in San Leandro. <br />AC Transit distributed the FEIS /FEIR on February 3, 2012 with the review period <br />concluding on March 5, 2012. On March 1, 2012 approximately 60 people attended an <br />AC Transit public meeting hosted by the City in the South Office's Conference Room. <br />Feedback from the community meeting was mixed; generally either extremely <br />supportive of the project and it benefits or conversely strongly concerned about impact <br />to vehicle drivers, loss parking and the restriction on turning movements. The City <br />forwarded comments on the FEIS /FEIR pointing out the main concerns of turn <br />restriction and lower quality of service for East 14 Street serving bus line. On April 25, <br />2012 the AC Transit Board of Directors approved the selection of the DOSL Alternative <br />as the LPA. <br />On May 31, 2012 a subcommittee of the Facilities and Transportation Committee met <br />with AC Transit elected officials in San Leandro to review the project and provide input. <br />AC Transit forwarded alternative plans that eliminated several of the challenges that <br />