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Draft 07/02/2012 <br />were identified earlier in the process and are the basis for the current LPA that will be <br />reviewed in the following discussion. <br />Analysis <br />Final Design of the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project is scheduled to start this winter <br />2012. Construction is anticipated to start in 2014 with revenue operations beginning in <br />2016. The proposed DOSL alternative would operate with transit priority at all <br />signalized intersection, new passenger bus stations and combination of mainly mixed - <br />flow and limited dedicated travel lanes within San Leandro. The project would also <br />feature self- service proof of payment fare collection, real -time bus arrival information <br />and low- floor, dual -sided door buses. The project is proposed extend approximately <br />9.52 miles from Downtown Oakland to the Downtown San Leandro BART Station. In <br />San Leandro, dedicated lanes are proposed on East 14 Street from the northern city <br />border to approximately Georgia Way and then BRT would operate in mixed -flow lanes. <br />The route continues to Davis Street, then turns west on Davis Street and then south on <br />San Leandro Boulevard, terminating at the San Leandro BART station. <br />The stations in San Leandro are proposed at the following locations: <br />East 14 Street at Durant Avenue (Durant Station) <br />East 14 Street at Georgia Way /Euclid Avenue (Georgia Way Station) <br />East 14 Street at Haas /Lorraine (Begier Station) <br />Davis Street at Hays Street (Downtown San Leandro Station) <br />San Leandro BART (San Leandro BART Station) <br />AC Transit is requesting that the City review its previously forwarded LPA and either <br />reaffirm it or provide an alternative LPA. The main restriction of this action is that the <br />City may only forward an LPA that has been analyzed in the FEIS /FEIR. This <br />essentially limits the City to a project that terminates at the San Leandro Downtown <br />BART Station or a no -build project. <br />The City has basically three options from which to choose: <br />Option 1 — Reaffirm the original LPA that has dedicated lanes to approximately Georgia <br />Way with minor modifications that were recently introduced to reduce parking impacts <br />and shorten walking distances to stations from senior housing locations. <br />Option 2 — Request that AC Transit implement an LPA that modifies or eliminates <br />elements of the original LPA which was introduced by AC Transit at the May 31 joint <br />meeting. The modifications include reducing the dedicated lanes such that they end at <br />just south of Broadmoor Boulevard and relocated stations. These changes would <br />eliminate turn restrictions except at Broadmoor Blvd where southbound East 14th Street <br />to eastbound Broadmoor Blvd and at Farrelly Drive where northbound East 14 Street <br />to eastbound Farrelly Drive traffic would be restricted, reduced station distances from <br />senior housing and reduce parking impacts. See Exhibit 2. <br />