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Draft 07/02/2012 <br />Option 3 — Abandon the project in its entirety within the boundaries of San Leandro. <br />Benefits and Impacts of Options <br />All Options — Issues: <br />The current project terminates the BRT line at the San Leandro BART Station. This <br />terminus point precludes continuous bus travel from the north city limit to the south city <br />limit along East 14 Street. AC Transit has indicated a willingness to study whether a <br />coordinating bus line along East 14 Street will be able to provide continuous service <br />along the entire length of the street. Staff believes that this condition should be included <br />as a part of any LPA ultimately selected by council as part of this process. <br />The FEIR /FEIS indicated a higher Net Annual cost needed to operate BRT. A diversion <br />of funds from local service to maintain BRT would be detrimental to service within San <br />Leandro. In addition to the above study requirement, AC Transit should be required to <br />commit to not reduce overall level of service in the system in order to provide East Bay <br />BRT service. <br />Option 1 — Issues: <br />This minimally modified original LPA provides the longest distance of dedicated bus <br />lanes in San Leandro. The dedicated bus lanes would begin /end at Sunnyside Drive <br />with transition lanes between Sunnyside Drive and Georgia Way. This provides for the <br />best performing BRT project as the dedicated lanes provide for consistent travel times. <br />This option provides for new traffic signals at Belleview Drive, Sunnyside Drive and a <br />pedestrian signal at Farrelly Drive. These signals improve the safety of pedestrian <br />crossings and allow for protected turn phases for vehicles that increase traffic safety as <br />well. Option 1 has the most turn restrictions. <br />This option also prevents left turns onto East 14 Street from Garcia Avenue, Stoakes <br />Avenue and Cambridge Avenue. It further prevents left turns from East 14 Street onto <br />eastbound Broadmoor Boulevard and Cambridge Avenue and westbound Farrelly <br />Drive, Garcia Avenue and Stoakes Avenue. The FEIS /FEIR estimated that at the most <br />approximately one vehicle per minute will use alternate streets as a result of the turn <br />restrictions. See Exhibit - 1. <br />Option 2 — Issues: <br />This option balances BRT operations performance with motorist convenience. The <br />dedicated bus lanes would begin /end north of Broadmoor Boulevard with transition <br />lanes between West Broadmoor Boulevard and Garcia Avenue. <br />Only a new pedestrian signal at Farrelly Drive would be installed. The two signals <br />included in Option1 at Belleview Drive and Sunnyside Drive would not be installed. This <br />