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Draft 07/02/2012 <br />• AC Transit as soon as possible is to explore the means and feasibility of <br />extending BRT along the length of East 14 Street to Bay Fair BART insuring the <br />flexibility of adding this segment in the future. <br />These conditions are meant as requests to AC Transit to implement strategies to <br />improve transit service in San Leandro and make transit use viable for more citizens. <br />Previous Actions <br />On July 02, 2007, by Minute Order No. 2007 -069, the City Council directed Staff to <br />prepare a letter for the Mayor to reply to AC Transit indicating the City of San Leandro <br />LPA is either Alternative 2 or Alternative 4. <br />On May 17, 2010 by Resolution No. 2010 -054, the City Council designated San <br />Leandro's Locally Preferred Alternative to be included and analyzed in the Final <br />Environmental Impact Statement /Report (FEIS /R) <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />• June 27, 2007 — Facilities and Transportation Committee: Recommendation for City <br />Council to direct Staff to prepare a letter for the Mayor to reply to AC Transit <br />indicating the City of San Leandro's LPA is either Alternative 2 or Alternative 4 as <br />described in the DEIS /R <br />• June 09, 2008 — Work Session: Bus Tour Along East 14 Street and Bus Rapid <br />Transit Workshop for information only <br />• January 13, 2009 - Facilities and Transportation Committee: Update of the BRT <br />project for information only <br />• December 08, 2009 — Facilities and Transportation Committee: Update of the AC <br />Transit Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) for information only <br />• February 09, 2010 — Facilities and Transportation Committee: Presentation <br />regarding AC Transit Bus Rapid Transit providing review of Planning Commission <br />material for information only <br />• March 08, 2010 — Work Session: Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Locally Preferred <br />Alternative presentation for information only <br />• May 31, 2012 — Facilities and Transportation Subcommittee Meeting with AC <br />Transit: Review of potential mitigations for BRT in San Leandro <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />