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Agmt 2012 Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District etc
City Clerk
City Council
Agmt 2012 Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District etc
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6/5/2019 9:48:44 AM
Creation date
7/9/2012 4:57:59 PM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Reso 2012-057
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\City Clerk\City Council\Resolutions\2012
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2.06 A quorum for the conduct of business by the Management Committee shall be a majority (50% <br />plus one) of the voting PARTIES to the Agreement. The Proportional Vote allocated to a <br />PARTY shall not be considered in the determination of a quorum. <br />2.07 The PARTIES shall continue to utilize the Program's preferred approach of achieving consensus <br />to resolve issues and reach decisions and to rely on a simple majority vote (50% plus one) for all <br />decisions requiring a vote, except for changes to the Agreement (including changes to the Cost <br />Allocation) and approval of the Annual Budget. Approval of Annual Budgets require both an <br />affirmative vote by a majority of the PARTIES and an affirmative vote by PARTIES representing <br />more than 50% of the Proportional Votes. Changes to the Agreement require an affirmative vote <br />by a majority of the PARTIES, an affirmative vote by PARTIES representing more than 50% of <br />the Proportional Votes of the PARTIES, and the approval by the governing bodies of the <br />PARTIES representing both a majority of the PARTIES and more than 50% of the Proportional <br />Votes of the PARTIES. <br />2.08 Management Committee approval is required prior to any Program expenditure by the Fiscal <br />Agent or any other PARTY to this Agreement. <br />2.09 Approval by the Management Committee of a motion to submit a report to the Regional Water <br />Board or the State Water Board will be considered a submittal on behalf of all PARTIES unless a <br />PARTY notifies the Management Committee in writing that it does not wish the report to be <br />submitted on its behalf. <br />Section 3. Program Budget Cost Allocation <br />3.01 The PARTIES shall each pay a yearly contribution into a fund established for Program <br />operations.. Each PARTY's contribution shall be based upon the cost allocation in Exhibit A. <br />The cost allocation in Exhibit A shall remain in effect unless and until a revised cost allocation is <br />adopted through an amendment to the Agreement. <br />3.02 Invoices for payment of Program cost allocations will be sent out by July 30 of each year. If <br />payment has not been received by the Fiscal Agent by September 30, a notice of non-payment <br />will be mailed to the PARTY. If payment has not been received within 60 days of the notice of <br />non-payment, the PARTY will receive notice that their participation in the Program will be <br />terminated effective 30 days from the notice of termination. <br />Section 4. Fiscal Agent <br />4.01 DISTRICT shall serve as the initial Fiscal Agent for the Program. If the District, or another <br />Fiscal Agent, decides to relinquish the role of Fiscal Agent, the Fiscal Agent will notify the <br />Management Committee prior to December 30 and will continue to act as Fiscal Agent until June <br />30 of the following year. In the event that the District or another Fiscal Agent withdraws from <br />the Program or from providing Fiscal Agent services to the Program, the Management Committee <br />will then select a willing PARTY as Fiscal Agent to serve commencing July 1. <br />4.02 If the Management Committee decides to select a new Fiscal Agent, the Management Committee <br />will notify the Fiscal Agent prior to December 30th that another entity will become the new Fiscal <br />Agent as of the following July 1St <br />4.03 The Fiscal Agent shall be the treasurer of Program funds. The Fiscal Agent, in accordance with <br />generally accepted accounting procedures, shall keep the Program funds segregated from any <br />other funds administered by the Fiscal Agent; shall credit the Program with appropriate interest <br />income earned on Program funds in each fiscal year; and shall not expend any funds except in <br />
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