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File Number: 12 -392 <br />City is spending the money legally. <br />4. Committee Member Comments <br />Councilmember Cutter indicated that an email from Mayor Cassidy was received. City <br />Manager Zapata stated that Mayor Cassidy would like see staff finalize a two -year <br />budget. Mr. Baum stated that at the next Finance Committee meeting there will be <br />discussion of the two -year budget process. Mr. Zapata also stated that he would like to <br />integrate comparative data at the Finance Committee meetings. Mr. Zapata would like <br />the Committee to really understand the rhythm of the Finance Department and the <br />deadlines that the department is up against. <br />5. Adjourn <br />The meeting was adjourned at 9:04 a.m. <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 711012012 <br />