Laserfiche WebLink
CITY OF SAN LEANDRO <br />MEMORANDUM <br />Date: June 26, 2012 <br />To: City Council Rules and Communications Committee <br />From: Rayan Fowler, Information Services Manager and <br />Jeff Kay, Administrative Analyst <br />Subject: Update on Partial Redesign of the City's Homepage <br />Summary <br />Since the launch of the current City website in 2010, staff has been continually monitoring the <br />performance of the site and feedback from the community. Overwhelmingly, the response to the <br />site has been positive although a handful of opportunities for improvement have been identified. <br />Staff also convened an informal working group in the fall of 2011 to solicit additional feedback <br />from community members with interest and /or expertise in web design issues. The group was <br />formed as a sub -group of the City's Branding and Marketing Working Group. <br />The City presently has approximately $10,000 remaining on its 2011 -12 contract with Civica, the <br />company that designed and maintains the website. This memorandum details a proposal to use <br />that existing funding allocation on a partial redesign of the homepage to make several <br />improvements and add new features. The project is expected to take approximately 90 days from <br />notice to proceed, depending on vendor availability. <br />Discussion <br />Planned changes to the homepage are as follows: <br />1. Redesign main page banner <br />The main banner at the top of the homepage will be redesigned to provide more space for the <br />photos and less for the City name and logo. Based on feedback received, too much of the top <br />of page is currently "dead space." The photo slideshow will also be changed from Adobe <br />Flash technology to HTML5. Flash is not supported by iPhones and iPads so the current <br />slideshow is not viewable on those devices. <br />Existing Banner <br />