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2. an offense involving lewd conduct; nor <br />3. an offense involving the use of force and violence upon the person of <br />another; nor <br />4. an offense involving misconduct with children; <br />(b) has not allowed or permitted acts of sexual misconduct to be committed in <br />prior business operations; <br />(c) has not been issued any other permit or entitlement in the past that was <br />suspended or revoked by the City. <br />(3) that the applicant has not knowingly made any false, misleading or fraudulent <br />statement of facts in the permit application, or any other document required by the City <br />in conjunction therewith. <br />(B) Conditions. Permits may be issued conditionally, in order to ensure compliance with the <br />provisions hereof. <br />(C) Denial. If the Permit Authority finds any of the facts, as set forth in subsection (A) <br />hereof, are present, the Permit Authority shall decline to issue the permit as requested. <br />Notice of decision. <br />Within thirty days from receipt of the permit application by the Permit Authority, Permit <br />Authority shall give written notice of its decision to the applicant and to any other person <br />requesting such notice. In the event the Permit Authority determines the application is <br />incomplete, Permit Authority shall notify applicant accordingly within the time period specified <br />in this provision. <br />Appeal. <br />Any person aggrieved by the action of the Permit Authority may appeal such decision in writing <br />to the City Manager, whose decision shall be final. <br />Suspension. <br />(A) Grounds. The Permit Authority shall suspend any permit issued hereunder, if the Permit <br />kuthority finds that: <br />(1) the operation, as conducted by the applicant, does not comply with all applicable <br />laws, including, but not limited to, the City's building, zoning and health regulations; <br />(2) the applicant or any other person who is directly engaged in the management or <br />operation of the Place of Entertainment or Limited Live Performance Locale, other than <br />one who participates in an act of Entertainment or Live Performance, has: <br />(a) been convicted in a court of competent jurisdiction, by final judgment, o£ <br />