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1. an offense involving the presentation, exhibition or performance <br />of an obscene production, motion picture or play; or <br />2. an offense involving lewd conduct; or <br />3. an offense involving the use of force and violence upon the <br />person of another; or <br />4. an offense involving misconduct with children; <br />(b) allowed or permitted acts of sexual misconduct to be committed at the <br />place of entertainment; <br />(3) the applicant has knowingly made any false, misleading or fraudulent statement of <br />fact in the permit application, or any other document required in conjunction therewith. <br />(B) Right of Appeal. The determination of the Permit Authority with regard to matters of <br />suspension shall be appealable to the City Manager, whose decision shall be final. <br />(C) Order of Suspension. The Permit Authority, in the case of such suspension, shall serve <br />the permittee with a written order of suspension, which shall state the reasons for such <br />suspension. Said order shall be effective immediately if personally served, or forty -eight hours <br />after the same has been deposited, in the course of transmission, in the United States Postal <br />Service. Immediately upon such an order becoming effective, the permittee shall cease all <br />operations under such permit. <br />The order of suspension shall be deemed a revocation of the permit to which it relates unless <br />the permittee, within fifteen days after personal service of such order, or fifteen days after said <br />order is deposited, in the course of transmission, in the United States Postal Service, files an <br />appeal from said order. Where an appeal is taken, the order shall be stayed pending a <br />determination thereon by the City Manager, which shall act upon the same within ten days from <br />the date of the appeal. Such determination shall be final and conclusive. <br />Posting or exhibiting. <br />Permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be posted on the premises where the business or <br />enterprise for which the permit is issued is conducted, and shall remain so posted during the <br />period the permit shall be in force. <br />Duration. <br />Permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall be valid until revoked or abandoned. <br />Transferability. <br />No permit shall be transferable except with the written consent of the Permit Authority. An <br />application for such a transfer shall be in writing and shall be accompanied by a filing and <br />processing fee established by resolution of the City Council, the same to be filed with the Permit <br />