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File Number: 12 -365 <br />City Staff present: Rayan Fowler, Information Services Manager; Marian Handa, City <br />Clerk; Jeff Kay, Administrative Analyst; Tom Liao, Planning and <br />Housing Manager; Kathleen Livermore, Senior Planner; Lianne <br />Marshall, Assistant City Manager; Sandra Spagnoli, Police Chief <br />Public present: Chris Crow, Dan Dillman <br />Mayor Cassidy called the meeting to order at 4:33 p.m. <br />Update on Committee and Commission Digital Audio Recording Pilot <br />Information Services Manager Rayan Fowler reported that in order to achieve the Rules <br />Committee's interests in digitally recording all City Council Committee meetings, while <br />limiting the cost and staff time needed to set up the recording equipment, staff <br />recommends conducting all Council Committee meetings in the City Council Chambers. <br />By utilizing the digital recording equipment in the City Council Chambers, Committee <br />meetings would be available via streaming audio; the recordings would be bookmarked to <br />allow listeners to jump to a specific item without having to scroll through the audio file; the <br />recordings would be available automatically on the web; and meeting highlights could be <br />shortened, reducing staff preparation time and increasing turnaround time. <br />Committee members expressed interest in moving the Committee meetings to the <br />Council Chambers. While supportive of a more abbreviated format for Committee <br />meeting highlights, members expressed a preference for having some brief summary or <br />bullet points of discussions, rather than "action" minutes. <br />Public Comments: <br />Dan Dillman suggested the use of transcription software that can be purchased at a fairly <br />low cost, and that can capture a verbatim discussion. <br />Committee Recommendation: <br />The Committee recommends that the City Council approve holding all City Council <br />Committee meetings in the City Council Chambers in order to digitally record Council <br />Committee meetings; and to move to briefer, less narrative, summary highlights of <br />Committee meetings. <br />2. Discussion Regarding Website Changes <br />Ms. Fowler reported on the partial redesign of the City's Homepage, based on comments <br />received from website feedback forms, and from suggestions from a sub -group of the <br />Branding and Marketing Working Group. The proposed changes were detailed in a <br />memorandum provided to the Committee. <br />Mayor Cassidy made the following additional suggestions: greater community diversity <br />reflected in the photos posted on the website; faster load time of web pages; and <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 711012012 <br />