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NOW, THEREFORE, The City Council of the City of San Leandro does <br />ORDAIN as follows: <br />Section 1. PURPOSE. The recitals above are true and correct and <br />incorporated herein by this reference. <br />Section 2 . REPEAL OF CODE Section 4 -1 -810 and Section 4 -1 -815 <br />of Chapter 4.1, Title 4 of the San Leandro Municipal Code are hereby repealed. <br />Section 3 . RESERVATION OF CODE Section 4 -1 -810 and Section 4- <br />1 -815 of Chapter 4.1, Title 4 of the San Leandro Municipal Code are hereby <br />reserved. <br />Section 4 . AMENDMENT OF CODE Article 3 of Chapter 4.1, Title 4 of <br />the San Leandro Municipal Code is hereby amended as follows: <br />ARTICLE 3. RESERVED CURFEWS <br />4 -1 -300 DEFINITIONS. <br />As used in this Article, the following words and phrases shall mean: <br />(a) "Emergency" shall mean any unforeseen combination of <br />circumstances or the resulting state thereof that calls for immediate action. The <br />term includes, but is not limited to, fire, natural disaster, automobile accident, <br />explosion, or any situation that requires immediate action to prevent loss of life or <br />serious bodily injury, including but not limited to any bodily injury that creates a <br />substantial risk of death or that causes death, serious permanent disfigurement <br />or protracted loss or impairment of the function of any bodily member or organ. <br />(b) "Establishment" shall mean any privately owned place of <br />business operated for profit to which the public is invited, including but not limited <br />to any place of amusement or entertainment. <br />(c) "Guardian" shall mean: (1) a person who, under court order, is the <br />guardian of a minor; or (2) a public or private agency with whom a minor has <br />been placed by the court. <br />(d) "Loiter" shall mean to delay an activity, errand or journey with <br />aimless idle stops and purposeless distractions, to remain in place in an idle <br />manner, or to hang around aimlessly or without real necessity. <br />(e) "Minor" means any person under eighteen (18) years of age. <br />(f) "Parent" shall mean a person who is a natural parent, adoptive <br />parent or step - parent of a minor. <br />1902466.1 2 <br />