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File Number: 12 -365 <br />avoidance of "menu clutter" and greater ease of navigation around the site. <br />Continued Discussion Regarding Special Event Permits and Processes <br />Assistant City Attorney Rich Pio Roda described the provisions of the draft Entertainment <br />Permit Ordinance. The ordinance would require a permit for those wishing to hold <br />entertainment events in commercial or industrial establishments. The permit process <br />would be administered by the Police Department, and would help the Planning Division <br />monitor the use of commercial properties that do not have entertainment as a permitted <br />use. The ordinance is meant in part to address incidents such as the tragedies at the golf <br />course and the tattoo party in an industrial area, as well as provide ability to monitor <br />events. <br />Mr. Pio Roda reported that the draft ordinance is based on similar ordinances adopted in <br />nearby cities, including Fremont, San Francisco, Oakland and Hayward. The ordinance is <br />intended to give the City some oversight and controls over entertainment activities, and <br />give the City the ability to impose certain conditions. <br />Committee members asked questions of staff about the draft ordinance and the issuance <br />of an entertainment permit. <br />Police Chief Sandra Spagnoli described examples of problem situations and how the <br />ordinance would proactively address such problems. The ordinance would create <br />parameters for legitimate entertainment promoters, and provide a tool for enforcement for <br />the PD to address illegitimate promoters and events that it does not currently have. <br />Mayor Cassidy suggested sending the draft ordinance to the Chamber of Commerce to <br />review and provide to its members, and request feedback. He suggested bringing the <br />matter back to the Committee in September to review the feedback received. <br />Committee members requested a chart comparing the City's draft ordinance to other <br />cities' ordinances. <br />Public Comments: <br />Chris Crow expressed concern that the ordinance restricts the rights of businesses and <br />trumps the Zoning Code. He stated that he believed the proposed ordinance, had it been <br />in effect, would not have prevented the tragedies at the golf course or C & M Trailer. <br />Dan Dillman commented that every business in San Leandro needs to have a copy of the <br />ordinance, and that it should be widely vetted. <br />In response to questions regarding the review process, Mr. Pio Roda pointed out that <br />since this was not a zoning ordinance, it would not need to be reviewed by the Board of <br />Zoning Adjustments or the Planning Commission. <br />Mayor Cassidy suggested creating some FAQs to help explain the ordinance to members <br />of the public, provide outreach to the Chamber, and possibly hold a community meeting <br />on the topic. <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 711012012 <br />