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File Number: 12 -359 <br />offense fine, first -time offenders may be assigned to a SLPD diversion program that could <br />include five hours of community service with a civic organization within the City. Another <br />significant change is, at the discretion of the Police Chief, parents of minors who are guilty of <br />a third or additional offenses may be required to attend a parenting class that has been <br />approved or is provided as part of the SLPD diversion program. Infraction notices given to <br />minors who do not pay the fine will become an obligation of their parents or guardian. <br />COMMITTEE REVIEW AND ACTIONS <br />At its meeting of June 26, 2012 the City Council Rules and Communications Committee <br />reviewed, provided comment, and recommended the City Council approve the draft <br />ordinance. The Committee also directed staff provide a copy of the draft ordinance to the <br />Superintendents of Schools, and the Board members for both the San Leandro and San <br />Lorenzo Unified School Districts for their review and comment. <br />FAN aI_TAI:I►yiI ;10k K <br />None. <br />PREPARED BY: Richard Pio Roda, Assistant City Attorney, City Attorney's Office <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 711012012 <br />