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File Number: 12 -339 <br />facilities along the loop. All of the transceivers at signals and facilities connected to the fiber <br />optic system will be retrofitted to allow for bi- directional information flow. <br />Analysis <br />The bids were opened on July 3, 2012. Two (2) bids were received ranging from $96,419.00 <br />to $96,537.00. HP Communications, Inc. was the lowest responsive and responsible bidder. <br />The engineer's estimate for the work was $114,000.00. Staff verified that HP <br />Communications, Inc. is in good standing through the Contractors State License Board's <br />website. <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Continued development and expansion of the City's Advanced Traffic Management System. <br />Previous Actions <br />On June 4, 2012 by Resolution No. 2012 -060, the City Council approved Plans and <br />Specifications and Called for Bids for the subject project <br />Applicable General Plan Policies <br />Policy 13.02- Keeping Pace with Growth: Improve transportation infrastructure at a rate that <br />keeps pace with growth <br />Policy 16.03- Maintenance: Regularly maintain city streets and traffic control devices to <br />ensure that streets operate safely and efficiently <br />Environmental Review <br />This project does not require environmental review under the California Environmental Quality <br />Act (CEQA) because the project qualifies as a categorical exemption under the State CEQA <br />Guidelines section 15301(c). <br />Fiscal Impact <br />The cost of establishing a complete redundant fiber optic ring throughout the City is <br />$120,000.00, which will be funded with $80,000 from DFSI funds in account 120 -28 -192 and <br />$40,000 from General Funds in account 210 -28 -192. <br />Budget Authority <br />The Finance Department has confirmed that $80,000 is available in the Development Fees for <br />Street Improvements (DFSI) account 120 -28 -192 (Fiber Loop Project) and $40,000 in the <br />General Fund account 210 -28 -192 (Fiber Loop Project) for installation of the redundant fiber <br />optic ring. <br />ATTACHMENTS <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 711012012 <br />