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10A Action 2012 0716
City Clerk
City Council
Agenda Packets
Packet 2012 0716
10A Action 2012 0716
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7/24/2012 4:10:35 PM
Creation date
7/11/2012 11:42:55 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
CM City Clerk-City Council - Document Type
Staff Report
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Reso 2012-094
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F. As a condition of the Loan, the Borrower will execute and the City will cause to <br />be recorded the Regulatory Agreement which will restrict occupancy of eleven (11) residential <br />units in the Project to eligible households at affordable rents to households whose income is fifty <br />percent (50 %) or less of the area median income for the County of Alameda, adjusted for <br />household size, as determined by HUD ( "Very Low - Income Households ") <br />NOW THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERATION of the mutual agreements, obligations, and <br />representations, and in further consideration for the making of the Loan, the Borrower and City <br />hereby agree as follows: <br />ARTICLE I <br />LOAN TERMS <br />1.0 Loan The City agrees to loan to Borrower, and the Borrower agrees to borrow <br />from and repay to City, an amount not to exceed Six Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars <br />($650,000), subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. The Loan shall be evidenced <br />by a promissory note executed by Borrower substantially in the form attached hereto as Exhibit <br />C (the "Note ") bearing simple interest at the rate of three percent (3 %) per annum with a term of <br />twenty (20) years, and will be secured by a deed of trust substantially in the form attached hereto <br />as Exhibit D (the "Deed of Trust ") which will be recorded against the Project prior to any <br />disbursements hereunder. <br />1.1 Payment Dates, Maturity Date Annual payments on the outstanding principal <br />balance of the Note shall be payable on a residual receipts basis with fifty percent (50 %) of all <br />Surplus Cash (defined below) payable to City toward principal and accrued interest, subject <br />however to Section 1.2 below. Payments shall be credited first to any unpaid late charges and <br />other costs and fees then due, then to accrued interest, and then to principal. In no event shall <br />any amount due under the Note become subject to any rights, offset, deduction or counterclaim <br />on the part of Borrower. The entire outstanding principal balance of the Note, together with <br />interest accrued thereon and any other sums accrued hereunder shall be payable in full on the <br />date (the "Maturity Date ") which is the earlier of (i) the twentieth (20 anniversary of the date <br />upon which the City issues a final certificate of occupancy or equivalent for the Project, or (ii) <br />the twenty- second (22 anniversary of the origination date of the Note. <br />1.2 Annual Payments From Surplus Cash By no later than June 1 of each year <br />following the issuance of a final certificate of occupancy or equivalent for the Project, Borrower <br />shall pay to City fifty percent (50 %) of all Surplus Cash generated by the Project during the <br />previous calendar year to reduce the indebtedness owed under the Note. <br />No later than May 1 of each year following the issuance of a final certificate of <br />occupancy for the Project, Borrower shall provide to City calculation of Surplus Cash for the <br />previous calendar year, accompanied by such supporting documentation as City may reasonably <br />request, including without limitation, an independent audit prepared for the Project by a certified <br />public accountant in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. No later than <br />November 1 of each year following issuance of the final certificate of occupancy for the Project, <br />1908324.5 <br />
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