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File Number: 12 -322 <br />Policy 3.02: MIX OF PRICE RANGES <br />Encourage a mix of price ranges to provide housing choices for San Leandro residents of all <br />incomes and ages. Opportunities to include affordable units and market rate units within the <br />same development projects should be pursued. <br />Policy 3.03: AFFORDABLE HOUSING DESIGN <br />Design new affordable housing to blend in with the existing fabric of the community. <br />Affordable housing should be located in a variety of neighborhoods rather than concentrated <br />in one particular part of the City. <br />Policy 3.04: PROMOTION OF INFILL <br />Encourage infill development on vacant or underused sites within residential areas. <br />Policy 3.05: MIXED USE ON TRANSIT CORRIDORS <br />Encourage mixed use projects containing ground floor retail and upper floor residential uses <br />along major transit corridors. Such development should be pedestrian- oriented, respect the <br />scale and character of the surrounding neighborhood, and incorporate architectural themes <br />that enhance the identity of adjacent commercial districts. <br />Policy 3.06: HOUSING BY NON - PROFIT DEVELOPERS <br />Promote the participation of non - profit housing organizations in the construction of new <br />affordable housing in San Leandro, with particular emphasis on housing for seniors and <br />working families. <br />• Policy 3.07: AMENITIES AND SOCIAL SERVICES WITHIN NEW HOUSING <br />Encourage new affordable housing development to provide amenities for future residents, <br />such as on -site recreational facilities and community meeting space. Where feasible, <br />consider the integration of social services such as child care within such projects. <br />• Policy 3.10: CONVERSION OF NON - RESIDENTIAL LAND TO HOUSING AND PUBLIC <br />USES <br />Encourage the development of new housing on underutilized commercial and industrial sites <br />which meet key criteria including: <br />o Sites on the edges of commercial or industrial areas, adjacent to established <br />residential areas. <br />• Sites with adequate infrastructure, access, and road capacity. <br />• Sites which are not constrained by external environmental factors, including <br />freeway, railroad, and airport noise. <br />• Sites where conflicts with surrounding uses would not be created in the event of <br />re -use. <br />Policy 53.04: INCLUSIONARY HOUSING <br />Require the inclusion of affordable housing in new housing developments - both inside and <br />outside of the redevelopment project areas. <br />Policy 53.06: NEW RENTAL HOUSING <br />Strongly encourage the development of additional rental housing in the City, including both <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 711012012 <br />