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File Number: 12 -372 <br />additional alternative for study. Based upon funding, community acceptance, and BRT <br />operational issues, a project that eliminates improvements in north Oakland and Berkeley, the <br />Downtown Oakland -San Leandro Alternative (DOSL) was recommended for study. The <br />DOSL follows the same alignment as the proposed project from downtown Oakland to San <br />Leandro BART and has the same features as the proposed project. DOSL is a lower cost <br />alternative that would have fewer environmental effects and lower capital costs, meeting the <br />project's purpose and needs. AC Transit adopted the DOSL Alternative as its Locally <br />Preferred Alternative. The FEIS /FEIR included the DOSL Alternative because it would result <br />in less transportation related impacts than the original proposal. <br />From late 2010 through early 2011, AC Transit refined the project based upon input from the <br />participating cities. One of the major changes AC Transit made was a commitment to procure <br />dual -side door buses that would load and unload passengers on both sides of the vehicle. <br />This allows for the use of a single center platform rather than two separate platforms at each <br />median - located BRT stop, resulting in less displacement of curbside parking, which was <br />evident at one such station in San Leandro. <br />AC Transit distributed the FEIS /FEIR on February 3, 2012 with the review period concluding <br />on March 5, 2012. On March 1, 2012, approximately 60 people attended an AC Transit public <br />meeting hosted by the City of San Leandro in the South Office's Conference Room. <br />Feedback from the community meeting was mixed; generally either extremely supportive of <br />the project and its benefits or conversely strongly concerned about impacts to vehicle drivers, <br />lost parking, and the restriction on turning movements. The City forwarded these comments <br />on the FEIS /FEIR, pointing out the main concerns of turn restrictions and lower quality of <br />service for the East 14th Street serving bus line. On April 25, 2012, the AC Transit Board of <br />Directors approved the selection of the DOSL Alternative as the LPA. <br />On May 31, 2012, a subcommittee of the Facilities and Transportation Committee met with <br />AC Transit elected officials in San Leandro to review the project and provide input. AC Transit <br />forwarded alternative plans that eliminated several of the challenges that were identified <br />earlier in the process and are the basis for the current LPA that will be reviewed in the <br />following section of this staff report. <br />Analysis <br />Final Design of the East Bay Bus Rapid Transit Project is scheduled to start in Winter 2012. <br />Construction is anticipated to start in 2014, with revenue operations beginning in 2016. The <br />proposed DOSL alternative would operate with transit priority at all signalized intersections, <br />new passenger bus stations, and in the combination of mainly mixed -flow and limited <br />dedicated travel lanes within San Leandro. The project would also feature self- service proof <br />of payment fare collection, real -time bus arrival information, and low- floor, dual -sided door <br />buses. The project as proposed extends approximately 9.52 miles from Downtown Oakland <br />to the Downtown San Leandro BART Station. In San Leandro, dedicated lanes are proposed <br />on East 14th Street from the northern city border to approximately Georgia Way. BRT would <br />subsequently operate in mixed -flow lanes. The route continues to Davis Street, then turns <br />west on Davis Street and then south on San Leandro Boulevard, terminating at the San <br />Leandro BART station. <br />The stations in San Leandro are proposed at the following locations: <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 711012012 <br />