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10C Action 2012 0716
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Packet 2012 0716
10C Action 2012 0716
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7/24/2012 4:11:07 PM
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7/11/2012 11:46:58 AM
CM City Clerk-City Council
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Staff Report
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File Number: 12 -372 <br />East 14th Street at Durant Avenue (Durant Station) <br />East 14th Street at Georgia Way /Euclid Avenue (Georgia Way Station) <br />East 14th Street at Haas /Lorraine (Begier Station) <br />Davis Street at Hays Street (Downtown San Leandro Station) <br />San Leandro BART (San Leandro BART Station) <br />AC Transit is requesting that the City review its previously forwarded LPA and either reaffirm it <br />or provide an alternative LPA. The main restriction of this action is that the City may only <br />forward an LPA that has been analyzed in the FEIS /FEIR. This essentially limits the City to: <br />1) a project that terminates at the San Leandro Downtown BART Station; or 2) a no -build <br />project. <br />The City has basically three options from which to choose: <br />Option 1 - Reaffirm the original LPA that has dedicated lanes to approximately Georgia Way <br />with minor modifications that were recently introduced to reduce parking impacts and shorten <br />walking distances to stations from senior housing locations. <br />Option 2 - Request that AC Transit implement an LPA that modifies or eliminates elements of <br />the original LPA that was introduced by AC Transit at the May 31 st joint meeting. The <br />modifications include reducing the dedicated lanes so that they end at just south of <br />Broadmoor Boulevard and the relocated stations. These changes would: 1) eliminate turn <br />restrictions except at Broadmoor Blvd where southbound East 14th Street to eastbound <br />Broadmoor Blvd and at Farrelly Drive where northbound East 14th Street to eastbound <br />Farrelly Drive traffic would be restricted; 2) reduce station distances from senior housing; and <br />3) reduce parking impacts. See Exhibit 2. <br />Option 3 - Abandon the project in its entirety within the boundaries of San Leandro. <br />Benefits and Impacts of the Options <br />All Options - Issues: <br />The current project terminates the BRT line at the San Leandro BART Station. This terminus <br />point precludes continuous bus travel from the north city limit to the south city limit along East <br />14th Street. AC Transit has indicated a willingness to study whether a coordinating bus line <br />along East 14th Street will be able to provide continuous service along the entire length of the <br />street. Staff believes that this condition should be included as a part of any LPA ultimately <br />selected by the City Council as part of this process. <br />The FEIR /FEIS indicated a higher Net Annual Cost needed to operate BRT. A diversion of <br />funds from local service to maintain BRT would be detrimental to service within San Leandro. <br />In addition to the above study requirement, AC Transit should be required to commit to <br />maintaining overall levels of service in the system to provide East Bay BRT service. <br />Option 1 - Issues: <br />This minimally modified original LPA provides the longest distance of dedicated bus lanes in <br />San Leandro. The dedicated bus lanes would begin /end at Sunnyside Drive with transition <br />lanes between Sunnyside Drive and Georgia Way. This provides for the best performing BRT <br />City of San Leandro Page 4 Printed on 711012012 <br />
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