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File Number: 12 -372 <br />Staff recommends that either Option 1 or 2 be selected. These options maintain the City's <br />participation in the BRT project and the intangible benefits of a project that is considered an <br />important component for a Downtown Transit - Oriented Development. It installs a framework <br />for future expansion of BRT, making the East 14th Street Priority Development Area viable <br />with excellent transit options. <br />At the July 9, 2012 City Council Work Session, staff was directed to prepare a resolution that <br />forwards Option 2 to AC Transit for the City's LPA. Additionally, the following conditions that <br />were reviewed and modified during the July 9, 2012 City Council Work Session are to be <br />included with the City's LPA: <br />• In conjunction with the commencement of the BRT service, AC Transit shall offer a <br />frequent and continuous service on East 14th Street that allows riders to travel <br />between the northern and southern San Leandro borders without transferring buses. <br />Prior to the commencement of the BRT Service, AC Transit shall explore and <br />implement ideas that create a "Complete Transit Experience" for San Leandro citizens <br />that include a more encompassing and frequent east -west service that allows transit <br />users to reach locations such as BART, BRT, shopping, and work centers more <br />conveniently and timely. <br />AC Transit shall, as soon as possible, explore the means and feasibility of extending <br />BRT along the length of East 14th Street to Bay Fair BART, insuring the flexibility of <br />adding this segment in the future. <br />• AC Transit shall make accommodations for a southbound East 14th Street left turn to <br />eastbound Broadmoor Boulevard. <br />These conditions are meant as requests to AC Transit to implement strategies to improve <br />transit service in San Leandro and make transit use viable for more citizens. <br />Previous Actions <br />• On July 2, 2007, by Minute Order No. 2007 -069, the City Council directed Staff to prepare <br />a letter for the Mayor to reply to AC Transit indicating the City of San Leandro LPA is either <br />Alternative 2 or Alternative 4. <br />On May 17, 2010, by Resolution No. 2010 -054, the City Council designated San Leandro's <br />Locally Preferred Alternative to be included and analyzed in the Final Environmental <br />Impact Statement /Report (FEIS /R) <br />Committee Review and Actions <br />• June 27, 2007 - Facilities and Transportation Committee: Recommendation for City <br />Council to direct Staff to prepare a letter for the Mayor to reply to AC Transit indicating the <br />City of San Leandro's LPA is either Alternative 2 or Alternative 4 as described in the <br />DEIS /R <br />• June 9, 2008 - Work Session: Bus Tour Along East 14th Street and Bus Rapid Transit <br />City of San Leandro Page 6 Printed on 711012012 <br />