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To: Memo to Successor Agency Clients <br />From: Susan E. Bloch <br />Re: AB 1484— Redevelopment Budget Trailer Bill <br />Date: July 5, 2012 <br />Page: 5 <br />DUE DILIGENCE REVIEW AND PAYMENT OBLIGATIONS <br />The Successor Agency must hire a licensed accountant, approved by the County <br />auditor - controller, to perform a "Due Diligence Review" of all housing and non - <br />housing redevelopment agency and successor agency financial activities that took <br />place between January 1, 2011 and June 30, 2012. The purpose of the review is to <br />determine the unobligated fund balance that will be available for distribution to the <br />taxing entities. An audit conducted by the County auditor - controller that complies <br />with all of the new requirements imposed by AB 1484 may be used . 21 <br />2. The Due Diligence Review will establish the value of all assets transferred by the <br />redevelopment agency to the Successor Agency and by either the redevelopment <br />agency or the Successor Agency to the Sponsoring Jurisdiction, any other public <br />entity, and any private parry during the period January 1, 2011 through June 30, <br />2012. Evidence demonstrating the purpose of, and requirement for, each transfer <br />will be required to document that each transfer was made pursuant to an enforceable <br />obligation. For the purposes of the Due Diligence Review, the legislation defines <br />"transfer" to mean "the transmission of money to another party that is not in payment <br />for goods or services or an investment or where the payment is de minimus. ,24 <br />Funds that are legally restricted (e.g. grant funds, bond proceeds), contractually <br />committed to enforceable obligations, necessary to pay current year ROPS <br />obligations, and non -cash assets (e.g., land) are deducted from the total asset <br />valuation in determining the amount available for distribution to the taxing entities . 25 <br />Amounts that were transferred by the redevelopment agency or the Successor Agency <br />to the Sponsoring Jurisdiction or to any other public or private party are added back if <br />the transfer was not made pursuant to an enforceable obligation. <br />It should be noted that for the purpose of the Due Diligence Review, AB 1484 <br />modifies the definition of "enforceable obligation" to exclude (with limited <br />exceptions) agreements executed between a redevelopment agency and its Sponsoring <br />21 Secrion 34179.5(a). <br />22 Secrion 34179.5(c). <br />23 Secrion 34179.5(6)(2). <br />24 Secrion 34179.5(6)(3). <br />25 Secrions 34179.5(c)(5), 34179.5(c)(6). <br />26 Secrion 34179.5(c)(6). <br />A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION OAKLAND LOS ANGELES SACRAMENTO SAN FRANCISCO SANTA ROSA FRESNO <br />