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To: Memo to Successor Agency Clients <br />From: Susan E. Bloch <br />Re: AB 1484— Redevelopment Budget Trailer Bill <br />Date: July 5, 2012 <br />Page: 6 <br />Jurisdiction. Assembly Bill xl 26 ( "ABxl 26 "), such agreements were only <br />excluded from the definition of enforceable obligation up until the dissolution of the <br />redevelopment agency. Thus, although ABxl 26 permitted payments to be made <br />pursuant to such agreements up until February 1, 2012, AB 1484 does not categorize <br />transfers made pursuant to such agreements as enforceable in the context of the Due <br />Diligence Review. Furthermore, AB 1484 modifies the definition of "city, county, <br />and city and county" to include public agencies and other organizations that are <br />controlled by the Sponsoring Jurisdiction . Therefore, an agreement between a <br />redevelopment agency and an entity that its Sponsoring Jurisdiction controls would <br />not count as an enforceable obligation for the Due Diligence Review. <br />Housing Fund Review Deadlines <br />October 1, 2012 Deadline for determination of the Low/Mod Housing Fund <br />balance and submittal to the Oversight Board, the County <br />Auditor - Controller, the State Controller and DOF. <br />October 15, 2012 Deadline for Oversight Board to hold a public hearing on the <br />housing audit and submit its findings to DOF. <br />November 9, 2012 Deadline for DOF comments on Oversight Board findings. <br />Five business days after DOF determination (not later than November 16, 2012) <br />Successor Agency may contest DOF findings and request a <br />meet and confer on the Housing Fund review by not later than <br />5 business days after the DOF determination. <br />Thirty days after request for meet and confer <br />If a meet and confer is requested, DOF has 30 days to confirm <br />or modify its determination. <br />27 Sections 34179.5(6)(2), 34171(d)(2). Compare the definition of "enforceable obligation" in Section 34167(d) <br />which was applicable to redevelopment agencies prior to dissolution with the definitions in Section 34171(d)(1) and <br />34171(d)(2) which apply to Successor Agencies and to the Due Diligence Review. <br />28 Section 34167.10. <br />29 Section 34179.6(a) through 34179.6(f). <br />A PROFESSIONAL LAW CORPORATION OAKLAND LOS ANGELES SACRAMENTO SAN FRANCISCO SANTA ROSA FRESNO <br />