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File Number: 12 -385 <br />Analysis <br />In order to meet the 60 -day timeframe required by the Charter, staff recommends that the <br />Council approve an appointment process and timeline tonight, similar to past Council <br />appointment processes, so the application process can commence during the August recess. <br />Process <br />Eligibility and Application <br />Interested persons would be required to submit an application. To be considered for <br />appointment, applicants must be registered voters residing in District 4 on the date of the <br />appointment and for 30 days immediately preceding the appointment. After the close of the <br />application period, copies of the applications would be forwarded to the Council. <br />Additional Criteria <br />The Council may also want to establish criteria beyond the basic qualifications, such as: <br />• Prior City Council, Board /Commission, or Committee participation <br />• Diversity <br />• Not a candidate for the elected office <br />Screening <br />If a large number of applications are received, the Council may wish to limit the number of <br />applicants to be interviewed. To accomplish this, the Council would need to conduct a <br />process at a public meeting to narrow the field of applicants to just those whom the Council <br />wishes to interview. The applicants chosen to be interviewed would be invited to a <br />subsequent public meeting. <br />Selection <br />After interviews have been conducted, the Council can choose to deliberate at the same <br />meeting or reserve discussion, selection and appointment to its next regular meeting. <br />Timeline <br />Staff proposes the following timeline: <br />Jul 16 Council approves appointment process and timeline <br />Mayor appoints Council ad hoc committee to develop interview questions <br />Council declares its intention to fill the upcoming District 4 Council <br />vacancy by appointment <br />Council directs staff to provide public notice of the impending District 4 <br />vacancy and the application process <br />Jul 23 -27 Anticipated vacancy and application process advertised in the news <br />media and on City website and posted at the Main Library <br />Jul 30 -Aug 17 APPLICATION PERIOD <br />Application form and instructions made available at the Office of the City <br />Clerk and on the City website. Filed applications reviewed by the City <br />City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 711012012 <br />