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File Number: 12 -385 <br />Clerk to determine if the applicant meets the minimum qualifications for <br />office. <br />Aug 20 Qualified applications forwarded to City Council for review in Council <br />agenda packet. The application is a public document. <br />Sep 4 or 10 5:30 p.m. -City Council holds special meeting to conduct public interviews <br />and appoint new District 4 Councilmember. <br />Sep 4 or 10- Appointed District 4 Councilmember serves until elected member is <br />Dec 31, 2012 seated on Jan 1, 2013 <br />Current Agency Policies <br />Section 250 of the Charter of the City of San Leandro requires that a vacancy on the City <br />Council be filled by appointment by the Council within 60 days of the existence of the <br />vacancy. If the Council fails to fill such vacancy within 60 days after its existence, the Council <br />shall call a special election, at which the unexpired remainder of the term of such office shall <br />be filled by the voters. <br />Previous Actions <br />On June 29, 1998, by Minute Order No. 98 -40, the City Council directed that the City <br />Council District 2 vacancy be filled by appointment rather than by Special Election; and by <br />Minute Order No. 98 -41, the Council approved an application process which included a <br />200 -word "candidate statement' form used for elections and directed the application period <br />be open for two weeks. <br />• On July 27, 1998, by Minute Order No. 98 -42, the City Council appointed Surlene Grant to <br />fill the vacant seat for City Council, District 2. <br />• On June 4, 2001, by Minute Order No. 2001 -53, the City Council approved a process to <br />appoint and fill a vacancy on the City Council, District 1, and appointed a three - member ad <br />hoc committee to review the applications and to make a recommendation to the City <br />Council regarding the interview process, including the questions for each candidate. <br />• On July 23, 2001, by Minute Order No. 2001 -70, the City Council appointed Orval Badger <br />to fill the vacant seat for City Council, District 1. <br />• On December 18, 2006, by Minute Order No. 2006- 046, the City Council declared its <br />intention to fill the District 6 Council vacancy by appointment and directed staff to provide <br />public notice of the vacancy and application process; and by Minute Order No. 2006 -047, <br />the Council approved the process for filling the District 6 Council vacancy. <br />• On February 13, 2007, by Minute Order No. 2007 -012, the City Council appointed Jim <br />Prola to fill the vacant seat for City Council, District 6. <br />IeltireTAI:IJiI;1011 K <br />City of San Leandro Page 3 Printed on 711012012 <br />