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(3) In a motor vehicle involved in intrastate or interstate travel, and such <br /> driving does not constitute loitering or wandering; or <br /> (4) Engaged in employment, or going to or returning hone from employment, <br /> without detour or delay; or <br /> (5) Involved in an emergency; or <br /> (6) On the sidewalk adjacent to his or her residence, provided that the minor is <br /> not otherwise violating the law; or <br /> (7) Attending an official school, religious, or other recreational activity <br /> supervised by a responsible adult and sponsored by the City of San Leandro, a civic organization <br /> or other similar entity that takes responsibility for the safety of the minor; or going to or <br /> returning home from an official school, religious or other recreational activity supervised by a <br /> responsible adult and sponsored by the City of San Leandro, a civic organization or other similar <br /> entity that takes responsibility for the safety of the minor, without detour or delay; or <br /> (8) Emancipated pursuant to law; or <br /> (9) Exercising First Amendment rights protected by the United States <br /> Constitution, such as the free exercise of religion, freedom of speech and the right of assembly, <br /> or going to or returning home therefrom, without any detour or stop; or <br /> (10) Traveling from an activity listed in this section to another activity listed in <br /> this section, without any detour or stop. <br /> 4 -1 -315 ENFORCEMENT OF ARTICLE. <br /> (a) Prior to any enforcement action under this Article, a police officer shall ask the <br /> apparent offender to provide: <br /> (1) A form of government- issued or school- issued identification belonging to <br /> him or her, or a statement of his or her age; and <br /> (2) A reason for him or her to be in or upon the public street, highway, road, <br /> alley, park, playground, or other public place, public building, place of amusement, eating <br /> establishment or vacant lot during the curfew hours established under this Article. <br /> (b) The police officer shall not detain, arrest or issue a citation to the apparent <br /> offender unless the police officer reasonably believes: <br /> (1) That the apparent offender has violated the provisions of this Article; and <br /> (2) That, based on the apparent offender's responses or other circumstances, <br /> no rebuttable presumptions or defenses under the provisions of this Article appear to be present <br /> or applicable. <br /> 4 -1 -320 VIOLATIONS. <br /> (a) Each and every violation of this Article shall constitute a separate offense in <br /> accordance with Section 1 -12 -140. <br /> (b) Minors who are found to have violated the provisions of this Article shall be dealt <br /> with in accordance with juvenile court law and procedure. <br /> (c) Any person found to have violated the provisions of this section shall be guilty of <br /> an infraction. <br /> (1) The fine for this violation shall be $50.00 for the first offense, $100.00 for <br /> the second offense within twelve or fewer consecutive months of the first offense, and $200.00 <br /> for the third and additional offenses within twelve or fewer consecutive months from the second <br /> offense. <br /> ORDINANCE NO. 2012 -012 4 <br />