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<br />City of San Leandro Meeting Date: September 17, 2012 Minutes File Number: 12-423 Agenda Section: CONSENT CALENDAR Agenda Number: 8.A. TO: City Council FROM: Chris Zapata City Manager <br />BY: Lianne Marshall Assistant City Manager FINANCE REVIEW: Not Applicable TITLE: APPROVE: Minutes of the Meeting of September 4, 2012 ATTACHMENT · Draft Minutes of September 4, 2012 <br />PREPARED BY: Marian Handa, City Clerk, City Manager’s Office City of San Leandro Page 1 Printed on 9/11/2012 <br />Civic Center 835 East 14th Street San Leandro, California City of San Leandro Minutes -Draft City Council Welcome to your City of San Leandro City Council meeting. Your City Councilmembers <br />are: Mayor Stephen H. Cassidy Michael Gregory, District 1 Ursula Reed, District 2 Diana Souza, District 3 Vacant, District 4 Pauline Russo Cutter, District 5 Jim Prola, District 6 Tuesday, <br />September 4, 2012 7:00 PM City Council Chambers *** MINUTES ARE DRAFT UNTIL ACCEPTED BY CITY COUNCIL *** 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 7:08 p.m. 1.A. PLEDGE OF <br />ALLEGIANCE City Manager Emeritus John Jermanis led the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. 1.B. ROLL CALL Present 6 -Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza 1.C. ANNOUNCEMENTS None. <br />2. PRESENTATIONS/RECOGNITIONS 2.A. 12-412 Presentation of the Scenarios for San Leandro -Stories About Our Future Report 3. PUBLIC HEARINGS – CITY COUNCIL None. 4. PUBLIC HEARINGS – <br />OTHER None. City of San Leandro Page 1 <br />City Council Minutes -Draft September 4, 2012 5. PUBLIC COMMENTS DAVID ERLICH, San Leandro resident, commented on the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) and <br />the ICFG v. City of San Leandro lawsuit. 6. CITY MANAGER AND CITY ATTORNEY REPORTS AND COMMENTS City Manager Zapata commented briefly on various recent and upcoming activities and events <br />in the City. 7. AMENDMENT OF CONSENT CALENDAR Items 8.B. and 8.C. were removed from the Consent Calendar to Item 9, Items Removed from Consent Calendar. 8. CONSENT CALENDAR Approval <br />of the Consent Calendar A motion was made by Councilmember Prola, seconded by Councilmember Reed, to Approve the Consent Calendar. The motion carried by the following vote. 8.A. 12-400 <br />APPROVE: Minutes of the Meeting of July 16, 2012 Approved as Submitted on the Consent Calendar. Aye: 6 -Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza Items 8.B. and 8.C. were removed <br />from the Consent Calendar to Item 9, Items Removed from Consent Calendar. 8.D. 12-396 MOTION: Motion Appointing Vice Mayor Michael Gregory as Representative, and Councilmember Pauline <br />Russo Cutter as Alternate, to the Alameda County Transportation Commission Board of Directors Adopted on the Consent Calendar. Enactment No: Min Order 2012-032 8.E. 12-121 Staff Report <br />for Resolution Approving the Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids on the BART-Downtown Pedestrian Interface Project, Federal Aid Project No. CML-5041(036), City Project No. <br />11-150-38-331, Along San Leandro Boulevard 12-393 ADOPT: Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and Calling for Bids for the BART-Downtown Pedestrian Interface, Federal Aid Project <br />No. CML-5041(036), City Project No. 11-150-38-331 (approves the plans and specifications and call for bids on pedestrian City of San Leandro Page 2 <br />City Council Minutes -Draft September 4, 2012 streetscape improvements along San Leandro Boulevard at an estimated cost of $6.91M, with $4.61M from a Transportation for Livable Cities <br />grant, $1.22M from Kaiser Community Impact funds, $96,118 from Development Fees for Street Improvements (DFSI) funds, $76,894 from Measure B Streets & Roads funds, $211,458 from Measure <br />B Bike & Pedestrian funds, and $700,000 from Gas Tax funds) Adopted on the Consent Calendar. Enactment No: Reso 2012-097 8.F. 12-401 Staff Report for a Resolution Approving Plans and <br />Specifications and Authorizing the Call for Bids for the Annual Sidewalk Repair Program 2012-13, Project No. 2013.0050 12-404 ADOPT: Resolution Approving Plans and Specifications and <br />Calling for Bids for Annual Sidewalk Repair Program 2012-13, Project No. 2013.0050 (provides for removal and replacement of damaged concrete sidewalks, driveway approaches, curbs, and <br />gutters throughout the City and installation of ADA compliant curb ramps at curb returns using Measure Measure B Bicycle and Pedestrian Funds; Measure B Streets and Roads Funds; TDA <br />Grant Funds; and CDBG Funds) Adopted on the Consent Calendar. Enactment No: Reso 2012-098 8.G. 12-301 Staff Report for a Resolution to Reject Bids for Annual Street Sealing 2011-12, <br />Project No. 11-144-38-332 12-302 ADOPT: Resolution to Reject Bids for Annual Street Sealing 2011-12, Project No. 11-144-38-332 (rejects bids for the subject project) Adopted on the Consent <br />Calendar. Enactment No: Reso 2012-099 8.H. 12-303 Staff Report for Resolution to Reject Bids for Asphalt Rubber Street Sealing 2011-12, Project No. 11-144-38-332 12-304 ADOPT: Resolution <br />to Reject Bids for Asphalt Rubber Street Sealing 2011-12, Project No. 11-144-38-332 (rejects bids for the subject project) Adopted on the Consent Calendar. Enactment No: Reso 2012-100 <br />8.I. 12-329 Staff Report for Resolution Accepting the Work for the 2009 Sanitary Sewer Pipeline Replacement Project, Project No. 09-593-52-211 12-330 ADOPT: Resolution Accepting the <br />Work for the 2009 Sanitary Sewer City of San Leandro Page 3 <br />City Council Minutes -Draft September 4, 2012 Pipeline Replacement Project, Project No. 09-593-52-211 (provides for the acceptance of contract work by Tennyson Electric, Inc., filing <br />of the Notice of Completion, releasing of the performance and payment bonds, and releasing of the maintenance bond upon completion of the one-year maintenance period) Adopted on the <br />Consent Calendar. Enactment No: Reso 2012-101 9. ITEMS REMOVED FROM CONSENT CALENDAR 8.B. 12-432 ACCEPT: Community Development Committee Meeting Highlights of July 17, 2012 A motion <br />was made by Councilmember Souza, seconded by Councilmember Reed, that the meeting highlights be accepted as submitted. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 6 -Cassidy, Cutter, <br />Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza 8.C. 12-360 ADOPT: Ordinance No. 2012-012, an Ordinance Repealing and Reserving Sections 4-1-810 and 4-1-815 Of Title 4, Chapter 4-1 of the San Leandro Municipal <br />Code and Amending Article 3 of Title 4, Chapter 4-1 of the San Leandro Municipal Code Relating to Youth Curfews (reestablishes new definitions and defenses to violations and adds new <br />violation provisions) A motion was made by Councilmember Cutter, seconded by Councilmember Souza, that this Ordinance be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 6 -Cassidy, <br />Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza Enactment No: Ordinance 2012-012 10. ACTION ITEMS 10.A. 12-406 Staff Report for Resolution Amending the San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) <br />Salary Schedule to Add the Chief Innovation Officer (CIO) Classification 12-407 ADOPT: Resolution Amending the San Leandro Management Organization (SLMO) Salary Schedule to Add the Chief <br />Innovation Officer (CIO) Classification (adds the new CIO classification) A motion was made by Councilmember Prola, seconded by Councilmember Reed, that this Resolution be Adopted. The <br />motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 6 -Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza Enactment No: Reso 2012-102 City of San Leandro Page 4 <br />City Council Minutes -Draft September 4, 2012 10.B. 12-402 Staff Report for Resolution Approving Appointments to the City of San Leandro’s Measure Z Oversight Committee as Required by <br />Ordinance No. 2010-022 12-403 ADOPT: Resolution Approving Appointments to the City of San Leandro’s Measure Z Oversight Committee as Required by Ordinance No. 2010-022 (appoints David <br />Grodin, Geraldine Mellen, Esther Collier, and Corina Lopez, each to serve a 3-year term expiring on August 31, 2015) A motion was made by Vice Mayor Gregory, seconded by Councilmember <br />Cutter, that this Resolution be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 6 -Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza Enactment No: Reso 2012-103 The Council, by consensus, <br />referred discussion of the Downtown Business Association representative to the City Council Finance Committee. 10.C. 12-419 Discussion Regarding the San Leandro Unified School District <br />Parcel Tax Measure on the November 6, 2012 Ballot The Council, by consensus, agreed to consider a resolution in support of Measure L, the San Leandro Unified School District Parcel Tax <br />Measure, at the September 17, 2012 regular City Council meeting. 10.D. 12-431 Staff Report for City Council District 4 Vacancy, Update on Appointment Process and Preparation for Special <br />Meeting on September 13, 2012 12-434 MOTION: Motion Determining the Field of Applicants to Interview to Fill the District 4 City Council Vacancy The City Council selected applicants <br />Dana Chohlis, Thomas Dlugosh, John Faria and Charles Kane to be interviewed at the September 13, 2012 special meeting to fill the District 4 Council vacancy. 10.E. 12-420 City Council <br />Discussion and Determination of City Position on Five Resolutions of the League of California Cities to Be Voted on at the 2012 Annual Business Meeting (provides voting directions to <br />the City’s voting delegate and alternate as designated by Resolution No. 2012-081) 12-426 MOTION: Motion Supporting OR Opposing the League's Resolution Encouraging California Cities <br />to Oppose the California Desert Protection Act of 2011 A motion was made by Vice Mayor Gregory, seconded by Councilmember Prola, to direct San Leandro's Voting Delegate to vote NO on <br />the League's City of San Leandro Page 5 <br />City Council Minutes -Draft September 4, 2012 Resolution. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 6 -Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza Enactment No: Min Order 2012-033 <br />12-427 MOTION: Motion Supporting OR Opposing the League's Resolution Requesting Consideration of Suspension of Implementation or Revision of the California Global Warming Solutions Act <br />(AB 32 of 2006) A motion was made by Councilmember Cutter, seconded by Councilmember Prola, that this Minute Order -Council be Adopted. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: <br />6 -Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza Enactment No: Min Order 2012-034 12-428 MOTION: Motion Supporting OR Opposing the League's Resolution Calling Upon the Governor and Legislature <br />to Enact Legislation that Would Correct Inefficiencies in the Audit System, Distribution System and Inequities in the Formulas for Distributing Court Ordered Arrest and Citation Fines, <br />Fees and Assessments Generated by Local Government A motion was made by Councilmember Prola, seconded by Councilmember Cutter, to direct San Leandro's Voting Delegate to vote YES on <br />the League's Resolution. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 6 -Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza Enactment No: Min Order 2012-035 12-429 MOTION: Motion Supporting <br />OR Opposing the League's Resolution Raising Public Awareness and Supporting Tougher Laws Related to Internet Crimes Against Children A motion was made by Councilmember Cutter, seconded <br />by Councilmember Reed, to direct San Leandro's Voting Delegate to vote YES on the League's Resolution. The motion carried by the following vote. Aye: 6 -Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, <br />Reed, Souza Enactment No: Min Order 2012-036 12-425 MOTION: Motion Supporting OR Opposing the League’s Resolution Calling for an Emergency Management Mission for California Cities A <br />motion was made by Councilmember Prola, seconded by Vice Mayor Gregory, to direct San Leandro's Voting Delegate to vote YES on the League's Resolution. The motion carried by the following <br />vote. vote. Aye: 6 -Cassidy, Cutter, Gregory, Prola, Reed, Souza Enactment No: Min Order 2012-037 City of San Leandro Page 6 <br />City Council Minutes -Draft September 4, 2012 10.F. Report on Closed Session Actions Taken No reportable actions taken. 11. CITY COUNCIL CALENDAR City Councilmembers announced upcoming <br />events and coordinated attendance. 12. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS AND ANNOUNCEMENTS City Councilmembers reported on meetings and other local events attended since the last meeting, reported <br />on attendance at conferences and seminars, and made brief comments on issues of concern. It was the consensus of the Council to do the following: -refer to the City Council Rules and <br />Communications Committee the consideration of adding youth members to certain City boards and commissions -consider a resolution opposing State Proposition 32, relating to political <br />contributions by payroll deduction, and contributions to candidates, at the September 17, 2012 City Council meeting. 13. ADJOURN The meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. and -In memory <br />of Lorenzo Spinardi. -In memory of Lucille Nobriga. -In memory of Jesse Robredo. -In memory of Clarine Souza. RESPECTFULLY SUBMITTED: ___________________________________ MARIAN HANDA <br />City Clerk of the City of San LeandroCity of San Leandro Page 7