of this Ordinance or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid or unconstitutional, the remainder of this Ordinance, including the application of such part
<br />or provision to other persons or circumstances shall not be affected thereby and shall continue in full force and effect. To this end, provisions of this Ordinance are severable. The
<br />City Council of the City of San Leandro does hereby declare that it would have passed each section, subsection, subdivision, paragraph, sentence, clause, or phrase hereof irrespective
<br />of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, subdivisions, paragraphs, sentences, clauses, or phrases be held unconstitutional, invalid, or unenforceable. City of San Leandro
<br />Page 3 Printed on 9/25/2012
<br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code – Article 5, Section 2-576 (additions are underlined and in bold; deletions are in strike out) 2-576 Secondary Dwelling
<br />Units This section is intended to implement the General Plan housing policy on second dwelling units, adopted in part in response to Government Code Section 65852.1 et seq., by allowing
<br />Secondary Dwelling Units through ministerial review in any residential district, subject to meeting the criteria defined below. A. Where Permitted. In any residential district, a Secondary
<br />Dwelling Unit may be permitted on a lot with a single-family dwelling, subject to meeting the regulations of this section. Additional Dwelling Units in the RO District only are subject
<br />to the regulations of Section 2-554. B. Ministerial Review and Approval Required. A secondary dwelling unit in a residential district will be approved if it fully conforms to the following
<br />criteria. 1. Application Requirements. Applicants for second dwelling units shall submit an application to the Department of Community Development, Planning Services Division, which,
<br />at a minimum, shall include: A. Plot plan (drawn to scale): Dimensions of the perimeter of parcel on which the second dwelling will be located. Indicate the location and dimensioned
<br />setbacks of all existing and proposed structures on the project site and structures located within 50 feet of the project site. All easements, building envelopes, and special requirements
<br />of the subdivision as shown on the final map and improvement plans shall be included. Provide average slope calculations for the project site. B. Floor Plans: Each room shall be dimensioned
<br />and the resulting floor area calculation included. The use of each room shall be identified. The size and location of all windows and doors shall be clearly depicted. C. Elevations:
<br />north, south, east and west elevations which show all openings, exterior finishes, original and finish grades, stepped footing outline, roof pitch, materials and
<br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code -Article 5, Section 2-576 color board for the existing residence and the proposed second dwelling unit. D. Cross Section:
<br />Provide building cross sections including, but not limited to: structural wall elements, roof, foundation, fireplace and any other sections necessary to illustrate earth-to-wood clearances
<br />and floor to ceiling heights. E. Deed restriction completed as required, signed and ready for recordation. 2. Findings Necessary for Approval. The Zoning Enforcement Official shall approve
<br />a secondary dwelling unit upon finding the following: A. The dwelling conforms to the design and development standards for secondary dwelling units established in Subsection C of this
<br />section; B. The secondary unit maintains the scale of, and is visually compatible with, adjoining residences and the residences in the immediate vicinity; Building materials, forms (e.g.,
<br />roof pitch), colors and exterior finishes are substantially the same as those on the existing dwelling; C. Public and utility services including emergency access are adequate to serve
<br />both dwellings; D. The secondary unit is not located on, or adjacent to, real property that is listed in the California Register of Historic Places; E. The secondary unit will not exceed
<br />the allowable density for the property upon which it is located; F. The secondary dwelling unit is consistent with the General Plan and the zoning for the property. G. For Secondary
<br />Units located in a RO, RS, or RS-VP District, the main dwelling or secondary dwelling will be owner-occupied and eligible for a homeowner’s exemption for state tax purposes.
<br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code -Article 5, Section 2-576 C. Design and Development Standards. 1. Unit size. A secondary dwelling constructed within or
<br />attached to an existing dwelling or garage shall be allowed, based on lot size, to comprise either the following floor area, or the following percentage of the main dwelling, whichever
<br />is less: contain at least three hundred 300 square feet but not more than thirty (30%) percent of the heated floor area of the existing dwelling or four hundred fifty (450) square feet,
<br />whichever is lesser. Lot Size Floor Area: Percentage of heated floor area of main dwelling Up to 4,500 sf Up to 450 sf 50 percent 4,501 to 6,000 sf 451 to 600 sf 50 percent 6,001 and
<br />above 600 to 750 sf 50 percent 2. Prohibition -Garage Conversions. No secondary dwelling unit may be constructed, installed or created from the conversion of an existing garage unless
<br />a garage replacing the converted garage is provided on the lot. 3. Required Setbacks. Attached secondary dwelling units shall not be permitted in a required yard. Detached units are
<br />required to meet setback requirements established by Section 2-546 related to Accessory Structures, while detached units in the RO District shall comply with all setback requirements
<br />defined for RO District. 4. Height and Building Coverage. The basic requirements of Article 5 shall apply unless modified by an overlay district. 5. Parking. A minimum of one (1) independently
<br />accessible offstreet parking space in addition to any parking spaces required for the residential dwelling shall be required for a lot containing a secondary dwelling, unless a finding
<br />is made that additional parking requirements are directly related to the use of the second unit and consistent with applicable neighborhood standards applicable to the existing dwelling
<br />Parking for a secondary dwelling unit may be provided in a tandem arrangement if located in the driveway and outside the front yard setback. 6. Subordinate to Existing Dwelling. The
<br />secondary unit shall be visually subordinate to the existing dwelling, with an exterior
<br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code -Article 5, Section 2-576 entry that is clearly made to appear secondary to the entry for the existing dwelling. 7. Attached
<br />and Detached Units Allowed. Both attached and detached secondary dwelling units are allowed, however, detached units must be sited on parcels containing at least 10,000 square feet.
<br />A detached secondary dwelling unit that is sited on a property less than 10,000 square feet may be considered through a Site Plan Review process through the Zoning Enforcement Official.
<br />Detached units on smaller parcels shall be considered as along as all other requirements relating to parking, lot coverage, building height and setbacks are met. Detached secondary dwelling
<br />units are required to meet the building coverage requirements of Section 2-546 Accessory Structures in the RS, RD and RM Districts. Detached secondary dwelling units in the RO District
<br />shall comply with the requirements in Section 2-552 RO District – Accessory Structures. 8. Residential Site Plan Review. For Secondary Units located in a RO, RS, or RS-40 District that
<br />meets the standards for Residential Site Plan Review as defined in Section 2-580(D), the Secondary Unit shall comply with the Residential Site Plan Review Standards contained in Section
<br />2-580(H). 9. View Preservation/Site Plan Review. For Secondary Units located in a RS-VP District that meet the standards for View Preservation/Site Plan Review as defined in Section
<br />2-582(D)(1), the Secondary Unit shall comply with the View Preservation/Site Plan Review Standards contained in Section 2-582(D)(6). D. Conditions Recorded. The City shall file a Notice
<br />of Occupancy Restriction (pursuant to subsection (B)(2)(g)), above) with the Alameda County Recorder within thirty (30) days from the date the approval of the secondary dwelling unit
<br />. E. Prohibition -Subdivision -Separate Tax Assessment. Approval of a secondary dwelling unit shall not be deemed to be a division of land for purposes of Government Code Section 66410
<br />et seq. seq. or Title VII of the Municipal Code, nor shall the ministerial approval in accord with this Article entitle the applicant to:
<br />Exhibit A: Proposed Amendments City of San Leandro Zoning Code -Article 5, Section 2-576 (1) such a division of land; or (2) to have each of the two (2) dwelling units on the parcel
<br />separately assessed for property tax purposes.”