<br />City of San Leandro Meeting Date: October 1, 2012 Staff Report File Number: 12-405 Agenda Section: CONSENT CALENDAR Agenda Number: 8.F. TO: City Council FROM: Chris Zapata City Manager
<br />BY: Uchenna Udemezue Engineering & Transportation Director FINANCE REVIEW: David Baum Finance Director TITLE: Staff Report for a Resolution Accepting the Work for the Annual Sidewalk
<br />Repair Program 2011-12; Project No. 2009.0241 SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATIONS The project reconstructed damaged concrete sidewalks, driveway approaches, curbs and gutters, and installed
<br />sidewalk curb ramps throughout the city. Staff recommends accepting the work, filing of the Notice of Completion, and authorizing the City Manager to release the Maintenance Bond for
<br />the subject project upon successful completion of the one-year maintenance period to the satisfaction of the Engineering and Transportation Director. BACKGROUND Property owners are required
<br />by both the California Streets and Highways Code and the San Leandro Municipal Code to maintain the the sidewalks along their properties’ frontage. The City’s Sidewalk Repair Program
<br />(“Program”), described in Title 8 of the San Leandro Administrative Code, provides for the repair of damaged sidewalks. When the City becomes aware of damaged sidewalks or driveways,
<br />staff examines the area to determine whether repairs or replacement are required. Minor defects to sidewalks adjacent to private residences are ground or patched by the City. Larger
<br />defects that require removal and replacement of either the sidewalk or driveway approach are also repaired under the Program, but the property owner adjacent to such a defect must reimburse
<br />the City for the full cost unless the damage was caused by a City street tree. If a City tree is the cause, property owners only pay half of the cost. This project repaired sidewalks
<br />and installed handicap curb ramps to meet current Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) requirements. As part of the City’s ADA curb ramp transition plan, updated sidewalk curb ramps
<br />are installed each each year. These ramps are installed adjacent to new street work and at resident requested locations. The goal is to update ramps at all City of San Leandro Page 1
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<br />File Number: 12-405 intersections in the city. The City pays the cost for the installation of the handicap curb ramps, including any sidewalk repairs along the frontage of City facilities,
<br />and the sidewalk within a curb return. Analysis The City Council awarded the construction contract for the subject project to J.J.R. Construction, Inc. (JJR) on September 19, 2011. Through
<br />this contract, the City has been able to achieve notable upgrades to its infrastructure at about 200 locations throughout the City, including the downtown area. The project replaced
<br />approximately 1,100 linear feet of curb and gutter, 12,000 square feet of sidewalk, 7,200 square feet of driveway approach, installed two handicap ramps, and completed other minor concrete-related
<br />repairs. The work has been inspected and is in compliance with the construction documents and City Standards. Through contract change orders, the project also constructed concrete improvements
<br />on East 14th Street in the downtown area to prepare for the Caltrans asphalt concrete maintenance project. Previous Actions · On July 18, 2011, by Resolution No. 2011-146, the City Council
<br />approved the plans and specifications and called for bids for the subject project · On September 19, 2011, by Resolution No. 2011-170, the City Council awarded the construction contract
<br />to J.J.R. Construction, Inc. for the subject project Applicable General Plan Policies Policy No. 14.07 -Pedestrian Environment; Strive to achieve a more comfortable environment for pedestrians
<br />in all areas of San Leandro. Permits and/or Variances Granted Caltrans Encroachment Permit. Environmental Review This project was categorically exempt pursuant to California Environmental
<br />Quality Act (CEQA) Section 15301C. Fiscal Impacts The total cost of the project, including staff administration and inspection costs was $ 363,106. The cost of the construction contract
<br />was as follows: Original Contract $271,140.00 Contract Change Orders $ 66,183.99 Total Contract Amount $337,323.99 Budget Authority City of San Leandro Page 2 Printed on 9/25/2012
<br />File Number: 12-405 · $359,250 was provided by Measure B fund allocations as follows: o $136,910.70 of Measure B Streets & Roads funds in the Annual Overlay/Rehab Program account 144-38-333
<br />o $80,000.00 of Measure B Bicycle & Pedestrian funds in the Annual Sidewalk Program account 144-36-006 o $142,340.00 of Measure B Streets & Roads funds in the Annual Sidewalk Program
<br />account 144-38-006 · $3,857 was provided by Police Asset Seizure funds in account 146-21-017 PREPARED BY: Austine Osakwe, Senior Engineer, Engineering and Transportation City of San
<br />Leandro Page 3 Printed on 9/25/2012
<br />City of San Leandro Meeting Date: October 1, 2012 Resolution -Council File Number: 12-413 Agenda Section: CONSENT CALENDAR Agenda Number: TO: City Council FROM: Chris Zapata City Manager
<br />BY: Uchenna Udemezue Engineering & Transportation Director FINANCE REVIEW: David Baum Finance Director TITLE: ADOPT: Resolution Accepting the Work for the Annual Sidewalk Repair Program
<br />2011-12, Project No. 2009.0241 (provides for the acceptance of contract work by J.J.R. Construction, Inc., filing of the Notice of Completion, releasing of the performance and payment
<br />bonds, and releasing of the maintenance bond upon completion of the one-year maintenance period) WHEREAS, pursuant to a construction contract between the City of San Leandro and J.J.R.
<br />Construction, Inc., approved on September 19, 2011, by Resolution No. 2011-170, J.J.R. Construction, Inc. has completed the Annual Sidewalk Program, Project No. 2009.0241; andWHEREAS,
<br />said work has been completed in accordance with the plans and specifications and to the satisfaction of the Engineering and Transportation Director, who therefore recommends that said
<br />work be accepted. NOW, THEREFORE, the City Council of the City of San Leandro does RESOLVE as follows:1. That the work hereinbefore described is hereby accepted; and 2. That the City
<br />Clerk is hereby directed to file a Notice of Completion on said project; and 3. That the bonds heretofore given for performance and payment of said conditions are hereby discharged and
<br />exonerated from further liability; and 4. That upon completion of the one-year maintenance period established pursuant to said contract, and to the satisfaction of the Engineering and
<br />Transportation Director, the City Manager is hereby authorized to release the bond heretofore given for maintenance of the work hereinbefore described. City of San Leandro Page 1 Printed
<br />on 9/25/2012