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San Leandro Commercial Broadband Strategy <br />The importance placed on fast, reliable commercial grade broadband service by <br />businesses and developers supports the conclusion that extending fiber optic facilities <br />to these areas will create economic development opportunities and maximize the <br />positive impacts of broadband on commercial real estate values. <br />1.3. City policy review <br />City staff provided information regarding policies and practices that impact broadband <br />service development. These policies included conditional use and encroachment <br />permits, wireless tower policy, utility undergrounding, use of City -owned facilities and <br />treatment of high technology businesses. San Leandro's policies were then compared to <br />benchmarks developed by other local governments and at a state level in California. <br />In general, broadband - related policies and practices in the City of San Leandro meet or <br />exceed benchmarks established elsewhere. On the whole, San Leandro is conducive to <br />high technology businesses and uses, and works to minimize obstacles to broadband <br />development. <br />In some cases, no formal policy exists but routine practice is consistent with explicit <br />policy benchmarks established elsewhere in California. In others, general practice is <br />broadband - friendly, but not broadband - specific. <br />1.4. Recommendations <br />The commercial access assessment and the review of City policy led to seven policy and <br />infrastructure initiative recommendations. <br />Table 1.1 Summary of Recommendations <br />Funding <br />Recommendation Description Cost Options <br />1. Formalize and promote existing Capitalize on the City of San Staff time City <br />broadband - friendly practices. Leandro's competitive <br />advantages regarding <br />development to attract new <br />business and investment <br />2. Make broadband a standard planning Encourage the growth and <br />review criterion. universal availability of <br />commercial -grade service by <br />treating broadband similarly to <br />other utilities. <br />16 July 2012 TellusVenture Associates <br />Staff time City <br />Page 2 <br />