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5.1.1 Notice of Intent to Constrict. Tenant shall notify Landlord of <br /> Tenant's intention to commence a work of improvement, at least thirty (30) days <br /> before commencement of any such work, or delivery of any materials. Landlord shall <br /> have the right to post, and maintain, on the Premises, any notices of non - <br /> responsibility provided for under applicable law, and to inspect the Premises in <br /> relation to the construction, at all reasonable times. Tenant shall keep the Premises <br /> safe and shall take all reasonable measures to prevent harm, or injury, to persons <br /> entering on, or near, the construction site. <br /> 5.1.2 Construction Contract and Personnel. Tenant's contract with the <br /> general contractor shall comply with all laws and regulations relating to construction <br /> of improvements upon public property, to the extent such laws and regulations are <br /> applicable to improvements constructed pursuant to this Lease. <br /> 5.1.3 Compliance with Reg.ilations. Tenant shall procure and deliver to <br /> Landlord, at the Landlord's request, at Tenant's expense, evidence of compliance with <br /> all then applicable codes, ordinances, regulations, and requirements for permits and <br /> approvals, including, without limitation, environmental approval, conditional use <br /> permit, any required zoning or planning approval of the City of San Leandro, grading <br /> permit, building perrnit and any other approvals from governmental agencies or <br /> bodies having jurisdiction at the request of Landlord. <br /> 5.1.4 Insurance. Tenant, or Tenant's general contractor, shall obtain <br /> insurance acceptable to Landlord from a company(ies) acceptable to Landlord. The <br /> required documentation of insurance shall be furnished to Landlord prior to <br /> commencement of any construction or grading work or other physical work <br /> preparatory to construction upon the Premises. Tenant shall not commence work <br /> nor shall it allow its employees or subcontractors or anyone to commence work until <br /> all insurance required by this Section 5.I.4 has been obtained, submitted and <br /> approved. Tenant (or, as specified below, the general contractor) shall take out and <br /> maintain at all times while work is in progress the policies of insurance set forth in <br /> Exhibit C. <br /> 5.2 Soil Conditions. Landlord makes no covenants or warranties respecting <br /> the condition of the soil, or sub -soil, or any other condition of the Premises. Tenant <br /> • <br /> shall have the right to conduct any tests, at Tenant's sole cost and expense, it deems <br /> to be necessary to determine the condition of the soil, prior to the Lease <br /> Commencement Date. A copy of such soils report, if any, shall be provided to <br /> Landlord prior to the Lease Commencement Date. <br /> Automall Read Board Sign - Ground Lease <br /> Final 5/07/97 Page 5 of 22 <br />